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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. If you have a bad experience with me I'm sorry but this game pisses me off so much sometimes and I take it out of those I have a small bad experience with. Love me hate me I'm fine either way.

    1. Bubba


      what happened bby

  2. The forums be dead

    1. wrice4


      It surely is slowing down...

  3. Please read the whole thread. He said his friend was accepted so the senior apd already replied. OP they removed the times they do them and it's more so a if you are there when they feel like it they will do it schedule.
  4. Damn the ignorance you have is unreal on so many levels. If you honestly think 1 person can 1v7 1 shot headshot every cop from 50m-500m you sir are dumb as shit. Oh wait I FORGOT THE PART WHERE ALL HE DID WAS NO SCOPE!
  5. who wants to bet that the OP doesn't even send in player reports.
  6. Warfare asked and Santa gave.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dustin87


      I got a desk chair.... and it hurts my back :(

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      I just got money lol. Santa is loaded

  7. Shout out to my cat who shit on the dirty shirt on the floor.

    1. Deathtripper
    2. Jorbis


      Warfare's Cat is now wanted for 1 count of disturbing the peace and 1 count of public indecency for a total bounty of $850

  8. Confirmed Wheat thins is actually Jendraks baby.
  9. Jendrak I'll join the design team even tho I would have no idea what I would be doing.

    1. Jendrak


      Lol - some days I feel the same way bro.

  10. Dear Santa, I would like an Xbox One. Sincerely, Warfare

    1. wrice4


      Hit up that 12 months no interest with bestbuy credit card.. Would only be $42 a month if you spent $500.

    2. Thomas


      Dear Warfare.....................no

    3. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Santa doesn't support domestic labor, so I'm boycotting him until he replaces those damned elfs with someone else like the rest of us do

  11. I'm the preacher for op cops even tho I am one. I still think me getting shot in the toe with 1 bullet and getting tazed is a bit harsh. However I'll just keep that to myself.
  12. Deputies and PO's are supposed to be cops in training, not actually "official apd". When you become a corporal you become an official apd member which is why you get access to lethals and the bird.
  13. 1. I agree we need the titans back. People will probably stop flying around as often or at least learn real quick they can't be so willy nilly with them. 2. Not sure why they werent red zones in the first place considering they have no other uses. 3. I like the idea but I feel it's going to be abused unless done with corps and higher. 4. The game has to be fun for everyone and it's not like the apd is struggling to handle these situations as is. I think we need to continue with our 2 failed attempts rule as it has balance. 5. I don't ever want this to happen. The reason why is everyone and their mother would be flying around doing air patrols inside of driving around patroling the streets. Not to mention po's are supposed to be potential cops where as the corporals are actually cops.
  14. 24 hour Armathon w/ McDili http://www.twitch.tv/warfareplays

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      I was sad to see you guys had left...

    3. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      was all kind of sad get off work hoping to see that epicness and boom its gone lol

  15. Wish you would of told me Mcdillpickle. I'll be here if you need someone to talk to even if you only need me to listen. I'll do what I can to spread this and do what I can in terms of donations.
  16. It was mainly done this way so players could be revived and keep most of their stuff.
  17. With proper rp yes he can. However if he was not engaging in rp with you then no.
  18. Warfare


    Well I mean more so something like "Hades I need to deal with some IRL stuff" then @Hades says "No problem wheat, let me just redistribute your tickets". Something where you don't need to do on your own but more so an automated system of sorts. I bet you got my oil comp ticket to.
  19. Warfare


    Papa Wheat's been busy and with his current situation it's mighty understandable. However maybe a system where if a staff has to be away for some time they can forward the current open tickets to other staff.
  20. Warfare


    Tickets can take as long as they need to. There is no time frame on when tickets will be answered.
  21. No need to be a dick about it when clearly 3 of us told him the answer...........................k
  22. As everyone else has states it's perfectly allowed and honestly encouraged. If the cops had to make it across first they would never have a chance and honestly there wouldn't be a point to show up.
  23. Are you asking about the group on the forums? If so contact Hades with a PM on the forums. If you are talking about Teamspeak contact a higherup.
  24. This is something arma would have to do in order for us to have it on the server. However oil trucks are extremely flammable so just shoot them a bit and they will blow up.
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