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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Might do one saturday or sunday after some APD info drops.
  2. I don't see why not. The only issue is we have been taking a break with the show for a few weeks. Reason being is we haven't had things to discuss and with Mcdili's recent events it doesn't seem like the right time.
  3. but is stratis big enough and actually has homes?
  4. Either you didn't put your playerid in or the system is acting up. Hades hopefully will see this.
  5. To start streaming again or to not

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thomas


      why did you stop?

    3. Dustin87
    4. Warfare


      I stopped because I didn't want to be on a schedule...probably going to start again but on a new account.

  6. Not enough cops on to do a cop vs civ event. After server 1 restart I will look again and if it's the same issue we will do the regular events.

  7. Cop vs CIV event in 2 hours (6pm pst). If we don't get the players we need we will just do some normal events.

  8. I can answer this one for myself. How do you find the time from your personal life to dedicate to Olympus?: Even tho there is a few people out there who don't like me I still enjoy being apart of this community and I want to do what I can to improve it. All though I am only a map designer the work I have to do can take hours or days at a time depending on what I'm creating. An example would be the oil rig only took me 2 days, but something like the full map redesign could take me a couple weeks. Luckily for me I don't have to worry about a family to take care of so my time isn't as limited as someone like Hades. I guess the short answer is I find and make time for Olympus. If I know I'm not going to be busy for a few hours I get stuff done. I just want to see the community improve and grow.
  9. No need to start issues bud. If you don't like us that's fine.
  10. Forgot to add this *Warfare
  11. I read the thread but I'm still going to state my opinion that he should of just submitted a ticket instead of trying to start issues on the forum. Everyone has been here long enough to know these threads are a waste of time and they are only posted to start issues.
  12. This thread wasn't needed in anyway. If you think someone in my gang exploited then send in a ticket and let them deal with it.
  13. Suggest some names for the NPCs

  14. Thanks for watching the stream guys. Tomorrow I'll be looking to finish the service stations then continue on the towns.

  15. I personally don't see this happening as I've heard the game is extremely buggy and the population is low do to it being in early access. Who knows maybe enough people will want it tho.
  16. Bridge is still messed up. Poseidon used the older one instead of the updated one.

  17. or maybe both
  18. Although he most likely won't see this. Happy birthday Jen!
  19. 1. Blame Gary....always blame Gary. 2. Everyone goes overboard sometimes. Not sure if he is or isn't blocked. 3. Poseidon brought it up at one point but no clue if anything is planned. 4. 5. 6. I think the problem with new players is they don't know how to make money or where they should start. More guides are needed in my opinion. 7. I have been messed with to 8. Hades...Always Hades
  20. I could understand medics not wanting to get taken hostage but when we just want to get a revive I wish they would trust us
  21. I'm looking into some better processing areas. Some will be familiar from pre-wipe where others will be complete new zones. The hope is to make it to where it's car and heli friendly.
  22. I can't speak for Poseidon but my guess with his schooling and the amount of work needed for something like this we are looking at a fairly decent amount of time.
  23. I stand corrected boys and Pink.
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