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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. That's usually how it is for more early access games. Rust started out that way and the only reason I came back is because of the huge overhaul.
  2. My opinion still stands. If you want to question me and ask why I am wearing the things I am go for it. However I shouldn't be detained for wearing certain clothing items. The problem with basing this off real life is we don't normally go around in ghillie suits and masks but in altis life that is the norm. It wouldn't make a cop question what someone is wearing because it's a popular choice of clothing in altis.
  3. I haven't played ROK yet but how popular is it honestly? That would be the biggest thing to determine if Olympus would ever host a server.
  4. Wearing clothes isn't and should never give a cop the right to search you or check licenses. If they want to spark a conversation with the person then go for it but making certain clothing items illegal would be a joke. Maybe I wear a face mask because I was severely burned or I'm in wit pro. Maybe I wear a ghillie suit because I love the feeling of wet grass on my nipples. So many reasons can be said.
  5. I'll have him add it once he wakes up. I forgot to mark it in our doc.
  6. Wow making excuses....overreacting like your in a full body cast. Put a bandage on get back to it bro. On a serious note hopefully everything heals correctly and you are back on your feet asap. For a second there you almost past me in post count.
  7. I think tonight will be the night we make the event rules and guidelines handbook

  8. My god why are you using advanced flight controls? Seems like your job is just getting harder.
  9. You would get 0 support for losses if you don't have valid proof you lost something. They can't just take your word and comp you.
  10. I know I got that shit spot on right?
  11. Hades: 35. Poseidon: 19 Hades sounds like someones dad and Poseidon sounds like that kid you want to hit in class that makes weird ass noises.
  12. Best rule you have made all month. +1
  13. Same I generally just use the normal browser if I'm on my phone but tapatalk would be the best if you needed an app.
  14. See if tapitalk or whatever it's called works for the forums. It use to and it worked fine for me.
  15. You most likely won't be able to watch it on the twitch app. Dumb kid Warfare over here forgot to hit record so I need to wait till Poseidon is up so he can upload it from the Twitch. Worst case scenario I'll record it from online and upload it that way.
  16. Can confirm.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D3V1L


      You like men?

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      In several schools of psychology, we call that projection, D3V1L.


    4. Gucci Mane
  17. Live in roughly 1 hour http://twitch.tv/OlympusServers

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Hello warfare. Did I miss the PODCAST?

    2. Warfare
    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Oh okay. Going to be live on twitch? Hope to see it.

  18. BLTN going live at 6pm pst tonight so be there. Anyone interested in coming on hmu on teamspeak so I know you are coming!

  19. dev server only goes up for update tests anyways
  20. to Mcdilis hangover we will be doing BLTN tomorrow night at 6pm pst/9pm est. If it wasn't such a hot topic week we would just do it without him however he wants to be on.

    1. Warfare


      I think work gets in the way

    2. Warfare


      Oh well come on then. I said what I said because you said work makes you miss all the events and we hosted it right around when we normally do the podcast.

  21. Glad you guys had fun. I was afraid it was going to suck and the medics would get bored. Shout out the Hades for giving us the fake event idea and all the staff helping me execute it.
  22. Do to Mcdilis hangover we will be doing BLTN tomorrow night at 6pm pst/9pm est. If it wasn't such a hot topic week we would just do it without him however he wants to be on.

    1. wrice4


      If you ever want a random corporal on, I'd love to join.

  23. I believe we are going to do BLTN tonight in 6 hours. Let me know if you are interested in joining in. We will be discussing the economy, features, events, etc.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      How do we go on about joining in?

  24. That moment when you wake up after sleeping for 14 hours and find out you ate the last of the waffles the day before. :"(

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