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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. 3rd episode of the BLTN podcast is up

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  2. Finished up the 3rd episode last night and we thought it went pretty well. We talked about some things that others didn't agree with but you let us know what you think. Sadly Twitch is having issues exporting videos to Youtube so if you want to watch it it will have to be on Twitch. Once they fix the issue it will be up on Youtube. http://www.twitch.tv/bltnpodcast/b/615223683
  3. So you said you had a few questions but you literally answered every single question on your own. Currently you have to be a donated to store items yes, in the next big update each house will have 100 virtual inventory that will allow you to upgrade. Now whether or not you need to be a donater to upgrade the storage I simply don't know. The same goes for whether or not you will be able to place crates in your house without donating. In regards to donator exclusive stuff the server has to do this so they can afford to run the servers. If people don't donate it's hard for them to maintain 3 servers, 1 teamspeak, and a website. In order to get a mohawk or use the gokarts you must have the dlc as well as have the required donator rank. However you are able to buy all of the dlc helicopters without needing to donate to the server.
  4. So all future buyers know Pyrgos drug dealer is being moved once this map update gets pushed. No ETA on release so don't expect to own this house forever if you want it for the drug dealer location.
  5. Apparently certain people didn't like the cast last night..................................

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Warfare


      well you watch it and let me know.

    3. Virus1


      When is it being uploaded?

    4. Warfare


      Twitch is having problems exporting to Youtube. You will have to go to the channels past broadcasts to see it ATM.

  6. Great fucking cast. Went so fell and I expected it to go terribly. Huge shoutout to Jorbis and Moob for coming out and making it an amazing cast!

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      It was a good cast guys. Warfare, I remember you were a little disappointed because your Moderator app has not been responded to in over three months. I looked at the Moderator Guidelines, and I think your app has been overlooked since your Part of the Problem. You can't be a mod while being in a gang as per the guidelines. Sorry to take the wind out of your sails, but that's the way it is.

    3. Jorbis


      I believe that when you're in the application process, you can still be apart of a civilian gang. But if you're accepted as a moderator, you need to remove previous gang tags and not be in any other gang than the Olympus Staff.

  7. Jendrak had some family issues so he won't be on the show tonight. Seeing if we are picking up another guest or just rolling with 4.

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  8. 2 hours 30 mins and counting........

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  9. A few people still don't know. The BLTN Podcast goes live EVERY Friday at 9pm pst over on http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

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  10. Confirmed guests for tonight's cast are Jendrak, Jorbis, and Corporal Moob!

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  11. Updated all my drivers so hopefully this fixes my stream issues. We shall test tomorrow gents!

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  12. We have Jendrak coming on Friday so we will probably have that case be more design based. Due to him being past R&R we can easily discuss his past with it and if he has ideas/plans to improve it.
  13. We 100% want to have more diversity on the cast. This week it we will have Jendrak on and I'm pushing to get Poseidon for a dev cast.
  14. Jendrak will be coming on Fridays BLTN cast. Give us some topic suggestions for him in our official thread!

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  15. Altis stream later then H1Z1. REKT incoming

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  16. I won't be home for a few hours. Can only text chat atm

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  17. Arma is extremely cpu intensive so it might not even be your graphics card. it would help if you could list your current build.
  18. Just slept 14 hours........jeezus christ

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    1. wrice4


      You can sleep when you're dead. Back to the grind....

    2. Brennan


      Please, teach me how to sleep like you Warfare D:

    3. Chaotix


      That must be nice, I stayed up until midnight for cop training and had to wake up for work 4 hours later :P

  19. Still no clue if we are switching to two a week and if we do I'm not sure what time/day it will be. I do want to get you on tho so we need to work something out.
  20. I have a feeling some of the topics next podcast are going to start riots.

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    1. SPBojo


      Whats the topics? ;)


    2. DeathDingo


      Speak your mind Warfare, don't hold back m8 lol

  21. Suggestion added. Also we would love to have you on sometime. Would allow us to mix the guests up a bit.
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