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Status Updates posted by Warfare

  1. If all goes to plan Travis will be on this weeks BLTN show.

  2. This freeze bug is happening more frequently now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      Server 1 was pretty bad, the fps was low and glitchy. 2 & 3 I didn't see it as much but the freeze glitch was pretty bad.

    3. Bacardi


      server 1 was gone last night some guy was running in place next thing you know BAM 3 of us are dead then he ran off

  3. Please lord Poseidon, let there be a wipe among us peasants.

  4. I can't take cops seriously when they sound like they could be my 12 year old brother.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wheeler
    3. fugi
    4. Tman15tmb


      is there a way to background check the squeaker cops? Haha. It can't be that difficult to dig up information about their age

  5. Episode 5 is up on Youtube now

  6. Did a chillcast tonight. Should have it up tomorrow for all you Youtube viewers.

  7. Going live in 5 mins. Come chill in chat http://twitch.tv/BLTNPodcast

  8. Old school episode happening tonight on the BLTN Podcast. No guests just me, mcdili, and chat.

  9. Still undecided on who is coming on tonight. Who knows maybe we go with no guests tonight?

    1. Bacardi


      i have nothing to do

  10. We need guests for tomorrow nights BLTN. PM me if you are interested in being on. We go live at 9pm pst

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dustin87


      Sorry warfare i was rude.

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      Little kids act tough online :P

    4. Wheeler


      I would like to be on one at some point :D

  11. We need guests for tomorrow nights BLTN. PM me if you are interested in being on. We go live at 9pm pst

    1. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Ill be there if y'all have me

  12. I want to be more active in game but I find it so hard to play when I have everything. There's no drive to keep playing so hopefully a wipe is among us.

  13. We still want to do 2 BLTN episodes a week. Just need to figure out when and what time.

    1. Spectral


      Once is good enough... Dont wanna overduea good thing like Ice cream and get a brain freeze

  14. Apparently I'll be giving a 24 hour stream a go. Probably starting in roughly 30 mins.

  15. So when I registered my account the name "Warfare" was taken. Now somehow it's not?

  16. EP #4 is now LIVE! Be sure to share your opinion

  17. EP 4 went rather well I would say. I'll see about uploading it tonight.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Murphy's Law... As soon as I join the podcast, my internet decides to die and there's no apparent fix for it. Before I get a migraine over the matter, I'm going to sleep. I'll see you guys when I get this debacle sorted.

  18. Alright so as long as nothing bad happens in the next 35 mins tonights guests will be Jendrak and Fat_Clemenza

  19. Need 1 more guest for tonights BLTN Podcast. We go live at 9pm PST so PM me if you are interested!

  20. Jendrak is once again a confirmed guest for tonight. If all goes well he will be on and discussing some design related topics. Still looking for 1 more guest to come on tonight, PM me if interested!

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Sweet. Can't wait to watch it, dude!

    2. Hellterskelt


      Warfare Im new to the community. This a live Twitch/Youtube/Podcast? I am unfamiliar with what you are doing but am interested in watching/listening if you leave info.

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      It is a live Podcast and it's hosted on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

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