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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. You should exclude clash he sucks
  2. @ monster does mako drop you chipotle
  3. Come back commander
  4. @ Millennium
  5. Add medics to s3
  6. Been on my friend's spotify family plan since highschool, not gonna switch unless he stops paying tbh
  7. Not wishing @ Karma  and @ Mc Pooperson  happy birthday because they left my birthday snap on read

  8. Sounds like the guy ruling it differently every time should be gotten rid of while we are at it
  9. Messed up @ Xlax said that about me
  10. HRT is always an option lil bro
  11. I fully support the freeing of this man from the Olympus discord
  12. @ ZeroBlade is 5’ 11” and those are two separate measurements
  13. i miss you...

  14. pretty obviously rdm but the guy also uploaded a 20 minute video so i'd say justified
  15. Lucien


    You have a whole month to get a slot
  16. @ codeYeTi probably has a pinephone
  17. Happy birthday @ The Sovereigns Pet

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Thanks swat sgt and wokka community manager lucien

  18. …..
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