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Everything posted by doubleueyeceekay

  1. you've got fuck all smart to say regarding the matter so you just insult people, calm down you can smell the hair grease
  2. i like having loads of bored cops on cause they go to athira to fight tnm and soon realise why they shouldnt go to athira to fight tnm
  3. 👁👁 👁👁 well said random side chat man well said Comment "well said random side chat man well said" or the APD will blow down your door and kill your dog and you will have bad luck for 7 years @ Boovin like comment and subscribe and the next post shows you how to dpi jump in real life @ Zeuse @ Rufus
  4. This is exactly what happens if you ask any APD to join support ever you useless bald prick Your hairline has taken a U turn
  5. Plural possessive, as in I have multiple mothers who own the basement I’m staying in. Basic grammar here bro…
  6. The common law SOPs decreed by Marcus say that if you are making a meme and/or gas lighting it’s A-OK. I may also add, Rufus reserves the right to report you for harassment if you attempt to, lend credence to the idea, or theorise reporting him. Reporting him is simply too far and too personal. It crosses a line. Enough is enough.
  7. Thankfully my mothers’ (apostrophe in the correct location) basement has a 3 gigabit connection via fibre.
  8. Everything @ Fefe looks at is a spitting image!!!!! cause it’s covered in fucking spit!!!!! Cause he has a HUGE LISP
  9. The editing job done on the N-word pass is leaps and bounds better I agree
  10. Hello, I recently was BANNED from the Discord for posting an image of a consenting adult femboy (ID verified) who was fully clothed with a finger (the thumb, rest of hand visible) in their mouth by renowned neo-Nazi femboy hater @ Mako . This is a clear double standard and we as a community mustn't stand for it. We should be allowed to post safe for work content in the Discord. How this affects me as a terminally online cretin: I have only been on the server for three weeks since I came back and unfortunately being banned from the Discord is an action that is simply too personal and is way past the line. Since a different post with a similar sentiment received significant support I am calling on the Olympus Community to redouble their support for me to be unbanned from the Discord. A few key considerations: Civilian Council members are allowed to openly use slurs in the Discord Image caption: Hard-hitting evidence of extreme racism. Is this professionalism throughout the Olympus Entertainment - Mecca for Gamers network? This is getting the noggin joggin... Even the crybullies are using slurs in the Discord in between discussion of homosexual acts. Image caption: A crybully in their native habitat using racial slurs on an online ArmA 3 RP gaming forum Discord. The noggin really kinda be joggin rn... The discussion in detail of homosexual acts is not prohibited in the Discord, as you can tell from the rampant discussion of explicit activities. Discussion in detail of heterosexual acts is not prohibited in the Discord either. Therefore there is no logical reason for why I am banned from the Discord as even if you think that femboys are gay (they are not) I have not broken any rules in posting a photo of a femboy. This shows that there is an incredible requirement for me to be unbanned and so the legal maxim nulla poena sine lege should apply as I have broken no server laws in my activities. My attempts at rectifying the issue: The first thing I did was make a ban appeal and it was hastily denied by our dear friend @ Marcus who did not cite a reason. I went to the DMs with him. I will not disclose the content of the rest of the DMs because I had a heart-to-heart with @ Marcus and he finally confessed his love for me which I am very happy. I will however provide you with the following context and snippet. Context: I provided @ Marcus with a screenshot of @ CaloomClark saying a racial slur that you will be banned for saying in-game in the Discord and asked why @ CaloomClark was not banned for saying such derogotary slurs (I broke down in tears when I first read them, it was too far, and very personal you see...) but I was banned for posting a femboy having some fun. Image caption: Marcus admitting that slurs are permitted. Key takeaway: @ Marcus has confirmed that as long as you say it as a meme, not to be taken seriously, as well as "gaslighting" you are allowed to say racial slurs such as the N word (soft A confirmed, hard R pending approval). Image caption: Official missive from @ Marcus confirming the N-word passi issuance to the Olympus Entertainment - Mecca for Gamers online gaming community. Attempt number 2: Image caption: A brave warrior attempts to gain freedom from his shackles and is swiftly cut down by an oppressive e-janitor. The warrior attempts to assuade but is unsuccessful. This is the second action I attempted to take in reaching out to @ Mako in a more direct manner, as he is the one who has been revealed to have placed the ban. These attempts were rebuked by @ Mako which is very telling. Attempts have been made by independent Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist @ The Sovereign to contact @ Grandma Gary surrounding this incident for a comment or to intervene, but it has been reported that @ Grandma Gary has been spending lots of time being literally Hitler. You can read more about this in her thrilling op-ed linked below: Thank you @ The Sovereign , excellent journalism. Conclusion: I am unjustly banned from the Discord, Mako is afraid of how much he loves femboys that he had to silence me as it was tempting him too much seeing just a glimpse of a femboy, free me up, fuck it while you're at it free @ Montez , @ Kyle , @ ZimZim , @ mat the w , @ Big John , @ bummm , @ Parker R and fuck it @ Winters unblacklist @ I bought olympus for 50k hurry the fuck up they did nothing wrong. Shoutout @ Boovin , @ Rufus for providing me with the evidence required to present this cutting-edge journalistic masterpiece and I will enjoy my nomination.
  11. staff took down the post that this post is satirising this is just like the time nicole told rufus to kill himself on the forum
  12. @ Mako unban me from the Discord this instant!!!!! Who else will post the shit that I post in the Discord and rile support team up?????

    1. Mako


      No thank you, I've been traumatized.

    2. Boovin
    3. doubleueyeceekay


      @ Mako  we know you are afraid but there is no need to be upset now quicken up with the unban bro!

  13. I VPN'd to Turkiye and bought YouTube Premium and I pay £0.98 ($1.20 + any foreign transaction fees) per month so I get ad-free across all my devices (inc. TV) as well as the creators I watch getting a significantly larger amount of money for my view, and getting more features. Also in your post you should change each instance of just the word "uBlock" to "uBlock Origin" as there's malware about masquerading as uBlock Origin under the name "uBlock". Olympus is full of idiots and might accidentally download the malicious file.
  14. doxxing is against the rules?
  15. thanks for the birthday wishes guys

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