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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I mean it's not gonna stop them from dipping into the water and then coming out when you leave
  2. Matt

    WTS lim taser

    what do they go for?
  3. So I can't nuke peninsula with an AT without comping them?
  4. Matt


    Well your a medic and you can do runs. Its really not that hard take a truck and do a run of literally anything and if you keep getting robbed then get a house and do a run out of it. Or im sure you can ask any gambling addict for their "strategy"
  5. how much we talkin?
  6. Matt


    you can make money just fine by yourself you dont need a huge active gang. resetting would just make everybody not want to play anymore. The casino was added to decrease the amount of money that was in the economy and its done that.
  7. Matt


    1mil for it all
  8. 16m
  9. Matt


    @ZAZA Stop acting hard on the forums last time I talked to you, you were balling your eyes out in discord about arma. you play 30 + hours a week and no one knows you
  10. maybe open S2 a bit earlier rather than 5:30
  11. Definitely duped
  12. Matt


  13. not the only 88th member permed tho
  14. Matt


    or you could just go but it at a service station not that hard
  15. It would be nice to be able to bet on certain numbers on roulette rather than just black red and green
  16. https://gyazo.com/b027699a05f97727564c9515e3ada685 https://gyazo.com/92c21662c32c85454dc49e7adc65685b
  17. Matt


    ill do 1.3
  18. i’ll do 7m
  19. Matt

    selling BW Gear

    sure pilot coveralls 300k mar-10 lethal with dms is 5m and mxms are 700 3.1 with dms
  20. Stuff Im selling: Mar-10(lethal) dms Mar-10(tazer) dms dms rpg promet sg pilot coveralls mk1 tazers mxm tazers
  21. post any BW vehicles your selling below
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