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About Jorman

  • Birthday 11/29/2002

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. God damn i was cringe

    1. Snare


      Me too I used to write books on threads on this forum.

    2. Jorman


      I havent played here since i was 14 or 15. I photoshopped my ID so I could join APD. im now 19 and wondering what everyone is doing that i used to play with.

  2. Oh shit.... Im back. 


    Been playing DayZ Standalone with the boys time to give this a try again ?



  3. Trying to find Motivation to Study The Hand Book that I have already gone through 40 thousand times

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Unjo


      Just think about all that $ I mean Rp

    3. DeadPool


      If the rank you are can do it study it. If the rank does not specify then dont do it. Same thing goes for any rank you want.

    4. LongInactiveAccount


      6 hours ago, Matt The Savage said:

      Fuck studying, this is what you do, go take the test Fail it the first time but remember the answers to the questions they asked you and pass it the second time.

      Or copy and paste the key parts of the handbook for your rank in a word doc

  4. I've been playing a lot of Cop recently but I'm looking for an active gang on CIV So feel free to send me a message you would consider Recruiting me. I will still play Cop a lot but I would like to start playing more CIV Again


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage


      @DABESTeva thats toxic there bud

    3. DeadPool


      Apply for gangs that you think you would like to join 

    4. Hoonter


      https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/25-gang-recruitments/ Go here find a gang you meet the requirements for and one that does things you as a player enjoy some gangs only fight cartels others only do runs and many combinations of many things find something that suites you

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