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[Slug] RapidKillz

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Everything posted by [Slug] RapidKillz

  1. Actually if a player rdms you then nlr doesn't apply
  2. Olympus staff team at it's finest. Psyche It's hilarious how rather than explaining what you did or trying to talk to you about it they just ban you thinking youll Learn ur lesson when in truth this is a terrible method.
  3. Tbh admins shouldnt be such braindead robots. Nlr is only a thing so you don't just spawn back and get a gun and go on a rage or try and save an expensive car. If some1 is just driving by. Gets killed he should be able to spawn back and get his car to leave. Admins shouldn't favor these little twatbags that just kill for no reason.
  4. Why do you make pointless topics
  5. Welgum
  6. hey welcome if ur lookin for a godly gang message me
  7. are you 16?
  8. dude just stop posting
  9. do us all a favor and cleanse your soul before you post ok?
  10. I like how you put a pic of -501 rep is it because I am your idol?

    1. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      That's 501 warning points you fucking dingus.

    2. SPBojo


      Hahahaha ur retarded @[Slug] RapidKillz yeah that's warning points not rep. Learn how to read! :D

  11. Are you saying I should go jerk off?
  12. Bless your soul.
  13. Rapidkillz leader of the DeathSlugs you can reffer to me as GodSlug and I want to aplogize to the Olympus community. Sluuuuurp
  14. fuck the police
  15. Your mind is beyond basic
  16. No I am trying to help them make the.most insane server to ever exist
  17. Jesus was hated and he's a god
  18. Right. During peak hours and how about during not peak hours? Since you have 3 active why not make a unique 4th that's different ? You have nothing to lose but a little bit of money to invest. Which if done right, having the best roleplayers in charge not out for money but the passion of a quality trusting community, you'd deff have people donating to overwhelm the amount invested. But wtf do you know? Nothing more than a braindead squirell just searching for his. Nuts
  19. I make the server more active
  20. put me in charge ill fix all this servers problems
  21. fuck cops they hop over heroine pro fence too
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