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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. What bit do you guys play 64x or 32x
  2. Ikr I always get lag spikes or texture bug things whenever I get shot at or something is happening
  3. Homicide is doing it for his donation goal not the likes btw
  4. Why do you keep changing the post like now we losing the votes on other posts
  5. Weren’t you the vigi that got pissed that he was losing his tier 1 vigi
  6. Like if it’s combat log you don’t need 5 minutes it can be shorter but if it’s rdm you would need 5 mins just depends what you did
  7. How many mags come with mxms
  8. I’m not the retard who put Warzone houses in the title and I cba opening the link
  9. Idiots you won’t be able to spawn in warzone houses soon if not already
  10. lol great house for POs to break down the door to
  11. Sick! Nice work
  12. Wait so that just shows who owns it or that is how the players sell it
  13. It’s a meme I’m not retarded
  14. The sales price says 360k so 360k
  15. Just war everyone and sit in kavala
  16. We should also get rid of cop quillins because they are to good
  17. Let’s just remove corporals then
  18. Also do explosive charges need special engagement I haven’t used them before and might use them now because the discount lol
  19. I’ve heard that even if they break rules you can’t break rules back so idk
  20. So recently I had a vigi who had me restrained the i was unrestrained due to excessive restraint and he then tased me again and sent me straight to jail because he read my charges before I got unrestrained, so first off is he allowed to tase me again to try viging me after I get unrestrained because of excessive restraint thing, then second does he have to read my charges to me again because he restrained me again
  21. And then maybe you can make offers ingame and they can choose best offer
  22. Good idea, then but should be a separate market as well as the normal market so we know if we are buying from server or player
  23. As well as separate cop force and other stuff
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