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Everything posted by Messy_0

  1. APD out here tackling bitches now. 🥳

  2. yes... YES the cop should have to be holstered as well to make the tackle!!
    1. SPBojo


      would this happen to be the person you searched?


    2. destruct


      yeah mans you're searching has game in a different language

    1. proud


      this is arma 3 so toxicity like that is unfortunately common, keep ur head up tho king ur content is great

    2. Messy_0


      Thanks @ proud  YouTube algorithm loves comments. This dude is legit helping me  haha. send all that hate my way , fuccckk it. 

  3. Lost power boys. Big storm here in KC. Sorry about the stream 

  4. my man @ 1lopez1 got some LEGIT FUCKING EDITING SKILLS BRUV


  5. anyone good with photoshop? hit me up my dude


    1. Rafa


      Do not sell them messy please heed my words 

  7. https://twitch.tv/Messy_0

    sup UK.. my kids gonna stream with me this morning

  8. Tonight's Stream! <--

    👮‍♀️legit fucking fun tonight haha.. if you see your someone you know doing something stupid, tag their dumb ass


    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Si no invite to hang out? I see how it is. What a bish you are.... 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Messy_0


      @ Doofenshmirtz go for it man it's super fun! 

      @ Claysive En route!!!!!

    3. doctor doom

      doctor doom

      how much did you make from this plane run?

    4. Messy_0


      @ Doctor Doom i crashed and then someone robbed all the money out of my briefcase... fucking fuckers

  10. YO, MOTHERFUCKERS! With the approval of our lord & savior, @ Ryan , tomorrow I will be doing a giveaway of (5) $15 Olympus Gift Cards! Friday, August 6th @8pm (CDT), come join me in my stream, hang out, and be active in the chat & you have a chance to be randomly selected for a $15 gift card to Olympus! I really just want to give back to this awesome community for helping me so much with my streams. You guys rock! Hopefully, I'll see some of you sweaty fuckers tomorrow! THANKS! https://twitch.tv/Messy_0 seriousness Share this post as a status update,tag me & I'll send you a $5 Gift Card for being such a cool dude.. or girl.. i don't assume gender (Olympus Gift Card) I only have like 3 so... first come first serve lol
  11. update is legit cool. should change things up for sure!

  12. YO! Any gangs doing the Gang Wars need an extra member? I'm trash, but I will tell you motivational quotes to keep your spirits up. 😇

  13. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1104415354

    6 hour stream tonight. fucking bad ass super fun. thanks for the great times my dudes

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