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its wooter

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Everything posted by its wooter

  1. lets just ban all of the APD
  2. its wooter


    Olympus is the best
  3. byyeeee budddy o7
  4. I think u missed
  5. Oh yes lol A Time i will never forget
  6. https://youtu.be/AMSuC_lJxWU lol
  7. nice lol
  8. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/g734G1/#sort=order
  9. Olympus is dying fast
  10. i would destroy you in krunker
  11. Someone’s 1v1 me in Krunker and winner gets 1 mill(Olympus Money..) Message me on Discord if your interested Discord: Monkey#1393
  12. Since theres new weapons coming to arma, i feel like they should be added into Olympus. Not all but some. Here is one of the weapons. :O https://gyazo.com/e8907688f7296acaa146169c57d0a115 Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1042220/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_Global_Mobilization__Cold_War_Germany/
  13. It will probably take like 4 months because they are not very fast
  14. lolol
  15. no problem
  16. lmao
  17. facts
  18. dont be a debbie downer
  19. FACTS, I CALL FOR A REDO ON THAT EGG. MAKE IT 2 @Ares Reconsider the unperm
  20. DID THE REAL XLAX PUT A A FULL EGG ON HIS HEAD TO GET UNBANNED?! WELL, HERE IS SOME PROOF THAT HE DID NOT PUT A FULL EGG ON HIS BIG HEAD. DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!!!!! @Xlax Proof 1: https://gyazo.com/5568ec48f5f3c3e97ce3dc87c5e48b3d Proof 2: https://gyazo.com/af90328e49a8953c6218ea03654cf464 Proof 3: https://gyazo.com/5b83df3993cfd20fc2ccc95aedef05a0 AS YOU CAN, THE FULL EGG DID NOT GO ON TOP OF HIS BIG HEAD. The Question is, how is he unbanned? Full video :
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