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Everything posted by Momentum

  1. No like mcdili said we have an agreement with each other as in the seniors for both factions. He has passed all the tests that he has needed to complete and I know he understands the rules. He's also already a trusted senior member for Apd, they do the same for us. If you think he isn't not deserving, or has broken the rules then we will gladly accept any tickets or questions regarding that.
  2. I conducted moobs test and he passed with flying colors so like suki said people are talking about things they don't know about. I will admit we did let him pass the flight test portion of the S&R exam as he is already proficient and has been tested already for Apd.
  3. I can agree with you, I can only account for Mercury and Dante I know they are good guys who can be trusted with their ranks that they have earned one way or another. In regards to Victoria that is uncalled for. Maybe their is a story behind it but as far as the picture goes she has no time but has PO. I will also admit that I should have looked at the picture before typing my response but what I said about mercury and Dante is still true. Not to mention mercury has been corporal before.
  4. Ok well in regards to that I can agree with you that should not be tolerated. I have to say I haven't seen something like this at all but yes that is unfair in many respects. I honestly think that MCPD is not that bad but cases like this should not be allowed.
  5. I recently joined MC and I can tell you there is no bias towards medics, but from the image above i can agree with corruption. Mercury and Dante both earned their ranks, they weren't just given out. They earned their ranks and are also already trusted members of the community, theirs a reason why they were given their rank as senior members for their factions. Also none of them are in MC so why are you saying MCPD? Not to mention Mercury is also a mod who is trusted so their is no doubt they meet the requirements. As for Victoria I'm pretty sure she's not even in Apd but correct me if I'm wrong. Honestly this is a bit of a rant from me but it's just getting annoying with all these allegations about MC and the apd.
  6. I believe the total was around 678 dollars or something. Someone else will probably know the exact amount as I believe it was posted a while ago when the first goal was made.
  7. Oh well the more you know. How long have they been broken, has it been since they were introduced to S&R's?
  8. I believe they are, when were they broken?
  9. Legacy donators keep everything they have but no one is able to buy the perks anymore because of Bohemia
  10. I've got one s2 already stocked with supply's to last a while. If you want to buy it and the supply's inside message me I'll try to get a screenshot for you but it's nice I'll sell the house for a mil and all the gear inside is free. gear: 4 sdars, 100+mags 4 wetsuits, 4 rebreather a/diving goggles, y menu aswell and some night vision. All yours if you buy the house, we will just have to move all the stuff out before I sell the house then you buy crates and move it all back in. your choice I'm flexible
  11. @djwolf Only got to talk to you on a few occasions, and i never really got to know you but the work you've done to help the server grow and expand has not gone without gratitude from every Olympus player. I thank you for your help and wish you luck with whatever or wherever you go next.
  12. Congrats to our new moderators @MercuryFN @Talindor @GoodDustin

    and our new admins @Bubbaloo Burrito @Gidgit

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      Congrats everyone! Enjoy your promotions in the olympus world!

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Thanks guys! :P Moving forward! 

    4. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      Congrats to all of you!  Well deserved!

  13. Dont know if its been brought up already but the group chat after restart still works allowing for people to yell
  14. There are no npc's at any legal traders
  15. Striders for Medics are not textured as well as not available for S&R, other than that solid update so far
  16. So to confirm this is the release of the Altis Update and Tanoa Server right now, not just maintenance for the future update?
  17. Will medic striders be released in the update or was that just an idea being tossed around?
  18. When you become medic of the month and get your new tags. :bender-dance:


  19. Sell it on stems market for market price. The current market price you can see on stash I about $250 you won't get anymore because it's battlescared. Only certain skins that have different rarity patterns, such as dopplers and slaughters.
  20. I think the whitelisted vigilantes should be called liscensed contractors, and then the senior members would be senior contractors. The reason for the name is because they would be liscensed(whitelisted) and contractor because they have more power than a regular vigilante. Also soemthing i thought of is that since they would be whitelisted, they could have a channel in the ts and maybe work somewhat in tandom with the police to catch harder to reach gangs and other people who the police dont have time to track down. These contractors would be similar to vigilantes in the way that they dont have to wait to go in redzones, they could use their own vehicles to get places faster and to harder to reach places like cartels where gnags maybe hiding out, etc. Im sure there are some other limitations the APD have that the vigilantes wont, thats what would make them unique. And maybe since they would be working together cops and vigis, cops could tell the vigis about certain gangs giving the APD trouble and what not, that are out of their juristiction. And maybe a small price would be put on the individuals head, so that the vigis would get the contract money plus the bounty money. Thats why they would be contractors because they would be helping catch people that the APD deems to difficult to come at with their current force. Just a thought of course which would be cool if it eas implemented in some form. Feedback would be awesome to perfect the idea and how it could possibly fit on the server, the pros and cons of having another faction like this. Forgot to add this but having the whitelisted position would allow like minded vigis to get together towards one common goal, which ive heard is somehwat tough when playing currently as a vigi. Because its usually one or two pll vs a whole gang trying to get their guy out of the vigis hands.
  21. No thats just Homicide being Homicide, complain complain and complain some more. Yeah ikr
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