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  1. Bring it back!
  2. Lets see YOUR losses! I know that I have not gambled much. I am just curious to see everyone else's luck.
  3. Pafix


  4. Pafix


    I say yes because, to any new player, a player that does not have much money, or a player that plays solo, it is extremely difficult to make money. No matter what path you decide to take to make money, there is a large possibility that you will be robbed/rdm'd and or zerged by a gang. The only path I have seen for players like this to make money is by either joining a decent sized gang that is always online, or playing as APB or Medic. Most people that play on this server do not need to make money for the foreseeable future. A reset of the playing field would be nice no matter how you look at it. The only people that are against it, are people that do not need to make money anymore. The reset that happened before on this server was amazing. Even though I was one of the players that had more money than I knew what to do with, I thought it was a great change of pace and a pick me up for new players and other players having problems making money.
  5. Whenever there is a need....yes.
  6. Thanks Thanks what I was hoping to do lol
  7. Guess only some people get this error, seen people on this morning Guess only some people get this error, seen people on this morning
  8. Session Lost - Verifying PBO failed; enoch\addons\fuctions_f_enoch.ebo
  9. 4mil
  10. This is the malden marketplace
  11. Pafix

    WTS armed quilin

  12. Wtb armed huron, price?
  13. i stream a variety of games but id like to start up streaming olympus occasionaly https://www.twitch.tv/viviox online now
  14. Will the Tanoa Server be staying up and if so will more changes be made to it in the near future such as another rebel and or chop shop?
  15. This is interesting...somewhat
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