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Darren Nsonowa

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Everything posted by Darren Nsonowa

  1. "Real run" oil is actually quite fucken profitable.
  2. Legit, find a hole and look at it for a while before jumping down simply to die inside of it*
  3. Have you tried both though
  4. http://prntscr.com/kossr8 beat this
  5. I hate playing with sAPD.
  6. but i have a house at meth pro nibba
  7. "Meth" Phosphorus*
  8. I think this is a general olympus thing.
  9. Damn finally eligable for cop

  10. anyone wanna play sum pubg hmu

  11. 100% fail chance. Very impressive. He can also do VDM'ing if you're being sent at that moment.
  12. Now it's gonna be harder to rob peoples suppressors. :/
  13. 1mill
  14. How much you want for it?
  15. oml, thats aids. Why does one even have to change ones loadout for something the owner thinks is nice.
  16. The first kit, marksman MK1.
  17. who tf came up with this shit
  18. arma 3 PIT simulator
  19. Say no to Deputy having 2 uniforms. APD gonna look like a shitfest of colors.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darren Nsonowa
    3. Mako
    4. SPBojo


      Its not our fault APD supports gaypride and dresses in all colors of the rainbow. 

  20. This is how easy a qilin can be shot out with a 9mm


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mako


      1 hour ago, Civak said:
      • passenger seating / restrained and getting in vehicle /”Super Jumping” to gain an advantage/ Jumping out of a moving car while restrained ( though can be considered Combat Log also.)

      Got ejected out of his vehicle via the disembark command you can see because it was going to blow up. Yikes.

    3. Civak


      2 minutes ago, Mako said:

      Got ejected out of his vehicle via the disembark command you can see because it was going to blow up. Yikes.

      Action has been taken.

    4. Darren Nsonowa
  21. give strikke owner he is very big manneelsker and will take care of the server, if not i will give u ris på rumpen

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