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Darren Nsonowa

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Everything posted by Darren Nsonowa

  1. I'm interested in a mxm, if possible. Just hmu with a pm and how much.
  2. Same as a box truck run. Like, everything between 700 - 1 mill if you have a good backpack.
  3. A deputy vest, is seriously worthless. If it was a LT or Dep Chief it'd be good. But a deputy vest is not worth selling at all. I can go to rebel and buy a way better for like 70k.
  4. ... How about 5k.
  5. Can't see the picture. What sort of vest is it?
  6. What are our deputies gonna get then? Also Chief's should get tank tasers.
  7. What do you have against this man
  8. je ska gi deg ris
  9. I'll come on as [T.T.C] Jef
  10. Ight Deal. We talkin' the one further away right?
  11. but u r never the better player u bad
  12. Ye, 750k? i was a bit dumb to buy it for that much.
  13. 850k ? I bought if for like 1.3m.
  14. tbh anything over 450k goes as thats the price i bought it for :p
  15. http://prntscr.com/k0vqn2 S2 About 100m away from the processing, 0 crater can fit four loadouts and 100 Y inv. Offers. Only selling one of the houses unless you're good at convincing.
  16. alright 100k
  17. add an electric chair.
  18. yes i must see that it is not lethal. (im joking..)
  19. Just looking to buy all tasers. shoot me with the kind of taser and price.
  20. what
  21. My internet is jacking me off, I'll shoot you a PM when I can be able to get on.
  22. Possible to only get Y inv and Taser? if so 70k
  23. Does it have a big magazine, or just small ones? Did you get it from a corp or PO? A black version of the vigi one?
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