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About Williams_254

  • Birthday 08/18/2003

Profile Information

  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Black People Meet Dot Com
  • Gender
  • Location
    United States

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Is this what Kavala does to you?
  2. It's ok I don't know you either
  3. @Claysive I don't know sorry i'm sped. That's not why I said that you told me you hated everyone that's why I said it lmao.
  4. I'll be there
  5. Well, it's been fun I haven't played in about a month now so I think it's time. I might come back and play a little bit. And i'll be active on forums. I have a lot of people to @ sorry if I miss anyone. o7 @your name - My best bud, it was always fun laughing and playing Olympus with you we had a lot of fun. Especially making memes out of people and laughing at them. Good luck with your baby! We'll stay in contact though. @FBI Agent Phil - It was fun playing with you and Sean we had fun talking and chillin' on Medic. @breezygod - I've known you since the beginning, you got me into Olympus and that's where this all started. We go back the farthest brother and this isn't the end. @BasicTheArmaPlayer - We go way back man I miss playing with you and killing retards that can't aim it was fun. @Blueangelman36 - Honestly I'd hop on again to fly around with you that was fun. We gotta fly formation at least 1 more time. @Richard - Thank you for always hating me love you too. Also changed the background color so you can actually read this. @Clay - It was always fun playing Civ with you guys in BPM and Titaning people i'm gonna miss that. @Mike Lit - Have fun future Coord, still waiting on your sisters snap btw. @Fusionz - Keep betting my friend, Also get a job your mom can't buy you pizza forever @Grego - Had a lot of fun making fun of SAPD with you even though your a retard keep it up though. @Daniel:^) - I miss the good old days in Monolith back in the grinding days @Mita - Lemme know when you've dated everyone on the server it's gotta be coming up here pretty soon. @ChrisGG - Thanks for the 1 year Blacklist it's been great and 100% worth it. @Walrito - Your memes are pretty funny and so is your Anti -SAPD discord server with all those memes too. @FrankieTwinkletoes - Sorry again for making you cry. @Bunny - Why are furry's a thing? Also you are the straightest person I know. @rabid - I'm sorry if I missed anyone o7
  6. Try it and find out
  7. How tf did they find out lmao
  8. o7 I really only talked to you when you did my Adv. Test but you made it fun cya bro.
  9. You'd go broke pretty fast without us
  10. Aren't you on a 12d right now for stealing a medic vehicle?
  11. Promotions on Saturdays Top 5 on Sundays
  12. Altis is a real island in Greece just go to google maps and find the island you can look at all the same cities IRL.
  13. And he got blacklisted for FREE
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