Time for your daily dose of Oly forums drama! I'll do a TLDR since this is a long thread, but this post is meant for CoB members since I was banned from discord and my msges deleted.
I was banned from CoB discord and tags taken for calling out a gang leader, MBPslyr that doesn't care and protects a rat, Moonini. They have since twisted the truth of what happened, and everytime I try to clarify for cob members that asked me, they deleted my msges and eventually banned me from discord. Here is the full story:
Moonini is a rank 4 in CoB. One day, Moonini got mad at slyr for nerfing his discord perms, after Moonini gave me a role. This led to Moonini crashing out. He proceeded to take all of the gang funds, kick everyone in the gang that he could, leave the gang, and spend the day blowing up CoB's shed, killing CoB, and rpging CoB. I go into a channel with slyr, and attempt to befriend Moonini to try and get half the funds back. He then tells me he's about to RPG someone in our gang, and then also offers to split the money if I rat out CoB and give information to him on when they're doing runs and selling. He also says Slyr ratted 20 mil for himself.
Eventually, Moonini gives the money back to Slyr, and Moonini is invited back and instantly promoted BACK to rank 4 as if nothing happened, forgetting him kicking people, blowing up shed, killing cob, asking me to rat for him, ect... No discipline or punishment is giving out.
Moving onto a few days later, the 2nd time Moonini rats within a week happened:
8-10 CoB members were planning on fighting for the weekend airdrop, and agreed to do so hours before. about 15 mins before the airdrop spawned, Moonini was in warzone sitting on a hill in a HIDDEN CHANNEL with hardcase, another rank 4. Nobody could see or join the channel in our group other than me. Whilst he was in warzone, we were at factory crafting RPGs for the airdrop, otherwise we would be there as well. As we all enter warzone, Moonini types in group chat telling us not to come for the airdrop. I type back, saying no, we all agreed to do this and wanted to do it, this is a gang event, we are going to split everything. Moonini then replies, saying that if any of us come to the airdrop he is going to kill us. I then join the hidden channel to work this out, and am immediately most out of the channel and my perms to view it are taken. Once the airdrop spawns, Moonini drives to the circle, where one of our group members (ChoccyMan) meet him. Moonini then kills ChoccyMan. Up until this point all we know is there's a rank 4 in a hidden channel that has already ratted the gang once, we have no way of contacting him, has threatened us, and has now killed one of us. WIth this information, ChoccyMan gets epid and kills Moonini. Hardcase, the other rank 4 in the channel, kills Choccy, so I RPG Hardcase. After this happens, everyone is revived, and Moonini/Hardcase rat the airdrop for themselves, just like they said they would.
Clip of the situation:
Moonini's reasoning for killing Choccy was that Choccy rammed Moonini. Here is the clip of the "ramming." Even I wouldn't kill someone for this.
I then callout Moonini for ratting, where he says him ratting the airdrop was justified because half of HIS OWN GANG that was were "goats" and retarded. 2nd link is another instance of seniors caling the entire gang retarded as well.
So this situation happens and I talk to our gang leader MBPslyr. I have all of this evidence, my own account as a rank 4, along with multiple other rank 3s backing me up. The outcome was once again absolutely nothing happened to Moonini. He stayed rank 4, wasn't disciplined, AND kept the entire airdrop. Me and Choccy were blamed for the situation and for firing back, and were told if a rank 4 tells us he wants to do it solo, we have to listen to him. The only thing I would've done is killed hardcase instead of rpging him, but it was quick thinking and I comped his strider. Other than that, we were reacting based off of the information above, and it was completely justified. I was then demoted to rank 3 after this ironically, but was told "there were too many rank 4s". After this situation happens, Moonini not getting punished and staying rank 4 after ratting the gang twice, and 5 other rank 5s that heard the situation agreeing with me, I became very frustrated for myself and for everyone in the gang that was ratted, so I spoke my mind in a voice channel with slyr, where multiple other gang members were. What were MBPslyr's answers to everything I said?
He said he doesn't really care about anyone below R4. He said he would rather keep 1 OG member then the entire gang. He said if anyone below rank 4 leaves, so be it, it doesn't matter, and that he will run his gang however he wants.
So I, after being even more frustrated after him saying he doesn't care about half the gang, start speaking my mind in senior chat and in the gang chat to tell people what's actually happening. The result was my msges were immediately deleted, The story was twisted by seniors, and eventually I was banned from the discord. So yea. That's what happened for everyone in CoB that is wondering. If you don't want to deal with a leader like that or someone that will no doubt rat you guys a 3rd time eventually, msg me on discord and come play with me.
Rank 4 in CoB ratted gang twice, kept his Rank 4 and nothing happened, Leader said he doesn't care about the gang or what happens to it.