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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by ares

  1. ill do 2m
  2. 3m max
  3. If YOU pay ME then i guess ill take it
  4. ares

    o7 - Noble

    o7, you're like my older brother that watched over me as we grew up together, going to miss you homie
  5. ill sell it for 8m, msg me on discord if your interested ar3s_ (i dont want to sell it)
  6. riiken is a furry now?f2d9673074236f15fd4326d9d41e9803.jpg

  7. cop queue rn is longer than my rust wipe queues, LET ME PLAY!


  8. this is a first down against 30 other teams. disgusting calls.


  9. how much did the chiefs pay these refs god damn

  10. happy birthday @ Brandyn ! but fuck you for having a name i cant pronounce properly!

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      How tf can you not say Bwandyn?


    2. ares
  11. @ Mila   @ Mark  relationship confirmed?!?!??!


  12. ngl @ Sevro catching yourself on that moving ifrit to save yourself might be the craziest thing I've ever seen on this game
  13. @ Syphilis 111 DAYS OF GAMEPLAY in one year, oh my fucking god
  14. were you the dude that just crashed into the crowd in new orleans?
  15. ok i changed my mind can you guys go back to using translate so i can understand you? thanks
  16. Finally got my Awes title in game this year ( @ Milo the goat ), maybe i can get smth to top it off
  17. why are you directing this towards me? smh
  18. rooting for mike, us lispies gotta stick together!

  19. Its been called, trump won 😄

  20. Damn Kamala assembled the avengers and still lost 💀

    1. buckie


      The didvengers 

  21. i think you forgot to mention that you originally got that robbery charge because you tased me when i had a 15k bounty and robbed my titan...
  22. @ Mr Miscellaneous bro why and how do you literally have 0$ in your bank
  23. handing out staff sgt whistelists, 2 sheckles a pop! come get them at my stand!
  24. ares

    WTS Warzone House

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