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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by ares

  1. ok i changed my mind can you guys go back to using translate so i can understand you? thanks
  2. Finally got my Awes title in game this year ( @ Milo the goat ), maybe i can get smth to top it off
  3. why are you directing this towards me? smh
  4. rooting for mike, us lispies gotta stick together!

  5. Its been called, trump won 😄

    1. ChillX


      Thank god 🙏🏼 

  6. Damn Kamala assembled the avengers and still lost 💀

    1. buckie


      The didvengers 

  7. i think you forgot to mention that you originally got that robbery charge because you tased me when i had a 15k bounty and robbed my titan...
  8. @ Mr Miscellaneous bro why and how do you literally have 0$ in your bank
  9. handing out staff sgt whistelists, 2 sheckles a pop! come get them at my stand!
  10. happy birthday dad @ Rexo plz dont beat me today

  11. Why is it suddenly cold as fuck

    1. -dante-


      Still a high of 91° here today 😒

    2. billdroid


      Wish it was hoodie weather here, the humidity in New York is gross

    3. Noble
  12. @ Ryan  plz use your cartel money to buy Bohemia and force them to release this god damn new arma 4

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Have you seen the state reforger is in? If thats what arma 4 is being built off of god rest this franchise.

  13. PSA don't harass dante, he doesn't take it well!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -dante-


      @ stayclaxxy  you fix all my problems when I @ you so you get a pass. (Ignore the whole outranking me thing too) 

    3. Dylan Rodgers
    4. Linka


      it was a meme so FUCK DANTE

  14. Apparently people can no longer join our Olympus Teamspeak, because it means im trying to grab their IP!


    1. ZeroBlade


      Stupid Support staff @ ares xdddd

    2. MAV
    3. ares


      @ ZeroBlade  people acting like im the old ares smh

  15. Interesting chrome tabs…
  16. Thank you all!!
  17. who won powerball

    1. Clashingtin
    2. billdroid


      U would know fucking addict 

    3. -dante-


      Up to 200m. I’m tryna cash in 😈

  18. Hey guys! I’m getting a new headset for my bday in a few days, and was looking at two: logitech g z pro 2 hyperx cloud 3 if anyone has or used to have either of the headsets, please lmk what you think of them below and if there’s any issues you’ve had with them, thank you!!
  19. guys is this a skill issue or can i get comp 🙂

  20. i need a shot
  21. happy birthday @ Iceman !!!

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