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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. severe case of the tickles
  2. hackers on the server ejecting us out of helis, wtf.. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toasty


      lmao get fucked

    3. Ronin


      you look like a foot

    4. Mervin


      This is fr starting to piss me off lmao 

  3. WE'RE MISSING ONE THING : FACE ACCESSORY. Please give us the stealth balaclava ;-;
  4. I could've purchased it, however you do have scamming accusations. shrug
  5. QeTVlwz.png

    Don't you love it when they ban the wrong person :--/

  6. you know what's fucking annoying? attempting to read the absolute dog feces you write on the forums.
  7. great, now make server 3 full time again.
  8. speaking of K/D, make a separate counter so that deaths don't count towards your K/D while on different factions (cop and medic).
  9. yes? that's the thin line between a medic and APD, which is why his comparison between the two is invalid.
  10. that literally isnt his point. medics don't affect civs losing their loadout + run, unless they neglect the player. they arent out to get you like APD is.
  11. Only issue I have with APD is that their respawn timer is ridiculous. Fully kitted out in 30 seconds, ready to go in for another wave. Another issue is when there's a fed, cops start to stack the channel. Maybe if a fed starts, only for the first few minutes are cops able to join in.
  12. give us HQ takeovers already, so many buffs to APD lately.
  13. to be fair, they were 10 warpoints for a while after the update. Please also add the stealth balaclava to donator uniforms !
  14. who is Eden.exe? you mean @Jusin ???
  15. Ronin

    Do Not

    whoever downvoted this doesn't appreciate quality olympus content
  16. happy birthday to us!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CommanderSuki


      @J O E Do you need a tissue to wipe those bitch boy eyes after daddy came to your room or are you alright?

    3. J O E

      J O E

      Holy shit I feel so roasted

    4. CommanderSuki


      A sore ass would be a more appropriate feeling but i guess you're used to it by now.

  17. https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/24379-pre-written-text-message-engagements/?tab=comments#comment-292888
  18. nice csats cost 10 war points now

    slappin rebels around, no apd nerfs :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MAV


      Didn't see csat bunp to 10 wp in the change log, hmm

    3. Ronin


      yeah where was that?

      still waiting for HQ takeovers.

    4. J O E

      J O E

      The ghillies are 12 now. Great addition Olympus l

      Making it great again 1 step at a time...

  19. IMO it is a concrete way of removing their coms and gps. People like to roleplay that shit is stuck so far up their ass, there's no way to access it. This removes the ability to say things like that.
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