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Everything posted by Dargen

  1. Any TV shows you’d like to recommend so I can watch something before I sleep lol.
  2. I could be wrong but I think you have a typo here corporal is supposed to be Sgt right?
  3. Don’t hurt his feelings even more.
  4. Man the interaction between civ and APD is so great. That’s the definition of immersion.
  5. Guess I know who’s shed we’re camping now.... wait a minute.
  6. Also to defend myself he called me dragon first.
  7. Photoshop
  8. This is some high quality photoshop right here. Listen you gotta tear them down to build them up.
  9. Still got any spar 16 tasers?
  10. 3.5mil
  11. I’m fine with your gang an you it’s kinda funny watching you guys do funny random shit. But why during restart so you scream WV is trash repeatedly. Lmfao
  12. Dargen

    WTB MAR10

    Is that allowed?
  13. Dargen

    WTB MAR10

    Imma get me a mar 10 lethal and just body camp lol Tired of buying bolt cutters to get their houses
  14. Personally I like the location of the newer ones but I think @DeadPooL‘s was to easy to defend and @zoomzooooooom‘s is just kinda eh tbh.
  15. Dargen

    WTB MAR10

    I guess I’m gonna be camping hospital rocks for a few days
  16. I feel like if you didn’t trash talk everyone people would enjoy fighting. Could be wrong.
  17. You’re ego hurts my eyes
  18. +1
  19. There’s no need for proof it was pretty obvious. And I’m sure you do miss quilin runs but doing orca runs are 100% better and safer. Upgraded 190+ space moves faster, you can co-pilot spool the heli so cop/Civs show up you can unlock get in and fly away. Using an orca will always be better than a quilin hands down faster,safer,more efficient. There few downsides. Also no performance hits. Lol
  20. Super ez to rip ppl out of them and if there pushing in hatchback that’s there own problem. The server performance did take a hit because of the massive number of them on cap. And when people did fight cartels it became an issue. Personally I like it without them because you see more frits/strider/hunters. However there’s still the good ol hatchback push for the plebeians.
  21. Yo you eat cereal out of cups to?
  22. Nice house
  23. I clicked it it’s super sketchy actually I’m gonna check it out some more would advise to avoid clicking the link
  24. Did it redirect you to the poll site or did it send you straight there
  25. Real selfie? You should buy the suicide vest’s to get the title for it something like 15mil in vest’s to get the title.
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