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Status Updates posted by Clashingtin

  1. @ stayclaxxy  Take this as a warning

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You don't know who you're fucking with @ Clashingtin .  His body count has almost reached single digits.

      Just sayin.

    3. Clashingtin


      @ Grandma Gary you know what to do 

    4. stayclaxxy
  2. whats the point in adding a system where you can blacklist yourself just for me to have no say in it.....


    1. stayclaxxy


      You weren’t supposed to be unblacklisted in the first place 😔

  3. Congrats @ Kyle  congrats everyone else 

    1. Strae


      Someones on ur cap bro

    2. -dante-


      Bro runs into a sharp rotor and has the audacity to blame a game smh 

  4. image.png?ex=66287ca3&is=661607a3&hm=a63
    Who ever stole our gate please bring it back thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolffe


      Defund the police

    3. knifemaster


      @ Wolffe They already have, now we can't pay to replace the gate man

    4. LateWeevil


      @ Clashingtin i was above you in the hellcat and watched that

  5. she will miss you rambo....


    1. Parker R

      Parker R

      animal abuse.... put that thing down

    2. bummm


      what did u do to that poor thing

  6. Who wants to come to the casino with me irl 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. billdroid


      vegas is where nonquitters have a comeup

    3. knifemaster


      @ Clashingtin  I can’t be your bank loan irl though 

    4. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      just won $20 at the casino, i was up $200 but we take what we can

    1. Elon Musk

      Elon Musk

      senior apd on a civ account tking people during a fed...yeah fuck you bud

  7. 20cops on every day open s2 this is crazy

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. billdroid


      Yeah I completely disagree bojo. I feel like opening server 2 would be a good fix for the problem. Regardless of how deep cops roam (whether 3-5 man groups or 8-10), it doesn’t matter what happens because if anything is too much for one group to handle another will always be close enough to come help. Lately there has been like 12+ cops on at all times, even though civ group numbers range anywhere from 4-7 for most groups (excluding fed event groups). If you were to split the servers to 1 and 2, the civ groups would remain the same size as server 1 because groups are obviously gonna play the same server as their friends, but cop numbers will decrease severely on both servers. This would make the cop groups on s2 to be a lot smaller and a lot easier for civs to get things done and actually win fights against cops. 

      I know I kind of ranted here but I think I got my opinion across. Not saying this is an absolute solution, but I think trying it for a few weeks/months wouldn’t be the worst

    3. Evannnnn


      Just close applications and let it burn out for a month or two


      If no ones gonna open s2 its better than just letting cops keep pile in, put FTO’s on exemptions or give them another job that they can do

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      The problem with opening server 2 is that we would have a split population between both and eventually folks are going to start leaning again to one server which is probably server 1. Leaving server 2 as a runs only server. 

      Also, the idea of limiting how many cops can play at any given time makes it unfair for folks that need to make their times. They may not have any other time available to do so. It’s a cops vs robbers server. Not sure what players are expecting. 

      But I get your frustration too @ Clashingtin , with so many cops online, it leaves us with nothing to do at times. 

  8. Congrats on the fancy new flrums tags @ stayclaxxy and @ Toretto

  9. Contact your local police for a safe rescue 

    1. nicole


      smartest apd member 

    2. Clashingtin


      @ nicole im so handsom and polite good kitten 

  10. On a real note add a feature to delete old disputes 🙏 

  11. No one ever saw how kind hearted you were @ CaloomClark but I saw past all your bad moments and saw you who you really were

    and let me just say the first night we kissed I have never experienced something like that so magical 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clashingtin


      You will always be my one and only POOKIE but @ Headtaps  is just my side POOKIE 

    3. Lucien



    4. Clashingtin


      @ Lucien i can’t call you POOKIE anymore your taken…..

    1. -dante-


      The best unblacklist and re blacklist maybe in history

    2. knifemaster


      so @ Clashingtin  you finna pay me back for all those ghawks i bought you 😉

  12. Hope everyone had a good Christmas stay safe

    1. nicole


      Thanks, Clash.

    2. Benne


      Thanks Clash, same to you❤️

    3. Lea


      I hope you did as well! 🧁🧁🎄🎄

  13. Make sure you spend time with your family this Christmas and not playing arma Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo


      We all already know that's what you want to do for Christmas @ DeadPool  but there is no need to say it out loud....

    3. DeadPool


      @ SPBojo  ill probably be working no cap

    4. Frato


      Family lucked out there's no conquest on christmas this arma shit get serious

  14. https://gyazo.com/a39fda97622e16a7d2cdbcbcc68c17b6


  15. Hey @ Xlax


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaloomClark


      Wait. This wasn’t a picture?? I’ve tried loading this like 3 times thinking my wifi was shit you pricks

    3. Lucien
    4. Xlax
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