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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. Everyone like this post to Piss McDili off. He was laughing at his post/like ratio. LIKE IT AND I WILL FIRE MCDILI
  2. Hate when people tank



    1. Ajax


      I fucking died

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Unrealistic. On Olympus they'd only hit the person once in the fingernail with a full mag, on here he was full of bullet holes. -1 :SwiftRage:

  3. I highly scrutinize the integrity of that desk. No wonder when you pressed any key on your keyboard did your setup nearly fall apart.
  4. >Me when I realize how much of my life I've wasted on ARMA.



  5. 1 moment, I've got this McDili, I'll reply in like 1 moment.
  6. It's not easy buying the Captain Pizza.
  7. Let's keep it Civil Gentlemen, If you'd like to talk about Northern Irish History you can come Q&A me sometime, Politics and history are all fun to talk about until somebody gets offended and let's be honest, this is 2016, I can trigger people by saying "Trump"
  8. There's no Argument. Just a trading of opinions, I'm not offended by anything put in this post. I'm happy to talk about Northern Irish history since it's exceptionally intriguing.
  9. This isn't me getting deep, this is just Fact. You'd probably have lower patience with people who like to Talk about Northern Irish History and they have little to idea about what they're getting into.
  10. Myself and Gary live in a country torn apart by terrorism for the last 40 years, it's easy to find these things. This ^ Was my step mothers father. Shot 27 times at close range with an AK-47 for delivering bread. *IRA, Fighting "British Tyranny" Ok.
  11. Ulster is free from Irish Tyranny thanks to those who gave their lives. Lest We Forget. Quis Separabit? God Save The Queen.
  12. Don't worry about that, my economics are not something to be challenged, I'm in the process of speaking to the British, the French and Syrians about some back door Oil deals. Might find a few more Brown immigrants coming our way doe.
  13. Gentlemen, We have some of our first APD Handbook/Ranks and progression changes. 1. SPEED LIMITS Previous Speed limits - 70km/h in towns 105km/h on the backroads 120km/h on the highways NEW SPEED LIMITS 100km/h in towns 120km/h on Back Roads 150km/h on Highways (Updated on handbook) 2nd Change The other thing that is changing are some of the minimum times to progress to each rank, this is to ensure that the candidates we are selecting are of the highest possible standard and are up to scratch. This is not to make it harder for people to achieve higher ranks within the APD, this is to ensure each position/promotion is valued, and that people TRULY deserving of the position may have a chance to do so. Current time requirement for Corporal: 10,000 minutes. New time requirement for Corporal: 15,000 minutes. Current time requirement for Sergeant: 15,000 minutes. New time requirement for Sergeant: 25,000 minutes. *Anyone who is currently in these positions who do not meet the minimum requirement will not have any negative action taken against them, as they have already earned their rank under another administration* Thanks Gents, Any queries, contact myself or another Senior APD member.
  14. Well gentlemen, It's happened. After 2+ Years of hard work and a lot of fun the torch has been passed down to me. As the new Chief of Police, Firstly, I'd like to congratulate and thank personally my predecessor, Fat Clemenza, Who was not only an excellent Chief but a good, Close friend and mentor too. Who made the decision to bring me to Deputy Chief of Police and then the position of Chief of Police. As a strong willed Chief, Clemenza took the APD from Strength to Strength and has had one of the Best set of Senior APD members to help do so, sure at times we could butt heads on subjects, but at the end of the day we got the job done. I'd also like to thank my equal and colleague McDili in helping me for preparation for taking the reigns, who as a former chief will be a super Deputy Chief to have by my side. Immediate changes: (A Full log will be coming out within the next week after the next meeting when the dust settles.) As with Every Chief leaving brings new Senior APD positions First and Foremost starting from Highest to Lowest. New Deputy Chief of Police: The G.O.A.T New Lieutenant: Gibbs I'd like to Congratulate both of the men above. Both highly deserve the positions, Not that they didn't have Extremely good competitors, But both Had that extra bit of cutting edge to push above and beyond the rest. Both had put blood, sweat and tears into the APD and the running of it... And their work ethic must be commended both have their separate Pros and Cons but the Pros definitely outweigh the cons. Congratulations both of you. A New sergeant will be considered soon. But I'm also following in the footsteps of Clemenza, If somebody does not fit the position, pull their weight, however you'd like to put it. You will not have that position. No position in my administration will be easy to achieve, Everyone will work for what they earn. Rank name changes: Deputy -------> Cadet Patrol Officer --------> Constable The old Rank names were more fitting, and a nice nostalgic touch at that, also sounding more professional than the previous names. Inbound Corporal Uniform updates. Return of The Chiefs Corner. (Where I talk about upcoming changes and give the appropriate commendations and anything else I feel people need to know) I'll let you know some more updates when they come. Thanks, Chief of Police - Corporal_Moob.
  15. I was once in favour of MXC's for Vigilantes, Now I remember why they shouldn't have them.

    The vast majority of Vigilantes are new players or those who are inexperienced on the server and RDM any bounty that moves. Unfortunately these newer players have done their rarer, experienced counterparts out of a deserved buff. Revert pliz.

  16. The Face when Titans don't even need to fight to get wiped.






    1. CheeseGrater



      Ain't no mountain high enough 

    2. Joel


      Plz elaborate 

  17. I'm not referring to any one person in any one gang. Like I said. I'm not opening that can of worms.
  18. Roster size / Activity has nothing to do with skill. If I have a roster of 500. yet only 5 play, but they're the best players in the game, then they're still gonna smash. He's not referring to us as ''WE HAVE 100 PEOPLE WE R BETR'' We have a large group of friends who enjoy playing the game, the team fighting aspect of it, and not having to write scripts, lagswitch, group chat, hack and ban evade on a MILITARY SIMULATOR to get an advantage over people because internet ego 2 much 5 me.
  19. Me when the last kill dropped in Teamspeak. https://youtu.be/muob_EbR6RM?t=14s Accurate (Y)
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