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Norwegian last won the day on September 30 2018

Norwegian had the most liked content!

About Norwegian

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. just a suggestion could medics get a white and black pilot coveralls as dontaion perks and maby the black heli crew helmet? would be awesome
  2. NOT MY R&R QUADBIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i use that shit all the time
  3. im dying! this is amazing
  4. I dont know if people would be up for it but id say something that might increase the rp abit on the server and make it more enjoyable would be to remove the KOS in redzones, make it so its an illegal zone but if your civ u still gotta initiate inside it, ofc warzone should be KOS but id say removing the kos on normal redzones would be not too bad of an idea, it would still give cops the same probable cause to search etc but for civ it wont make it places people can just camp and kos whenever they feel like
  5. maby if a few things like red zones etc was changed on malden it would be better so it wasent just kos everywhere
  6. Looking for a decent house in abdera on server 3 will give a good price for it pm me if your looking to sell
  7. 'Looking for a decent house in abdera if anyone is selling prefeably a 4 crater
  8. dont know if its too late but ill give you 1.7 mill
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