Your response is exactly what I expected you to say, this is amazing. A list of allegations with NO evidence or fact to support any of them.
"This man has pure “white power” written all over him. His useless wall is evidence of the bullshit he tries to sell."
This response has no examples of trump being racist or promoting white power. Here is a quote from President Trump. ""In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy." He takes stand AGAINST racism and white supremacy. Please provide me EVIDENCE of him promoting white power, or sit the fuck down and quit being a bubaloo buretard. A wall between USA and Mexico is NOT racist. Please explain to me how a wall is racist, or how increased security is racist. The fact remains that it is not and you are watching way too much of the news and not doing any thinking yourself.
"His fight against immigrants. Legal and illegal."
Please provide me evidence of him fighting LEGAL immigration.
Well no fucking shit he doesn't support ILLEGAL immigration, are you really this dull?
"The display of public racism has been more rampant around the USA ever since that man got his presidency. He encourages that with his tweeting. He is showing America’s true colors. "
Please explain this. Are you referring to people supporting a wall "public racism"? Give me examples that support an increase in public racsim. Let me guess, "DURR IN MY PERSONAL DURR EXPERIENCE DURR I SEE DURRRRRR MORE MEAN RACIST PEOPLE DURRRRRRRR". You literally haven't backed a SINGLE allegation you have posted about him. Again, a wall is not in any way, shape, or form racist. I look forward to your response on this specifically because I do not think this holds ANY weight at all and is just an ignorant response.
"His fight against the women of color in congress (one who is American-from Puerto Rico) . "
Give me examples that support this claim, and do not leave motive up to interpretation. You are attributing motive to everything President Trump does without facts/evidence to support your claims. You WANT to believe he is racist, so you attribute all his actions to be about race. You WANT to believe he is sexist, so you attribute all his actions to be about sex. Again, you fail to support any claims (that with evidence would destroy him) by providing evidence.