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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. Happy Bday Piss Cup 🥳

    ..better late than never

  2. If someone uses the hard r calling me a "cracker" is that also subject to a ban? haha
  3. Damn Canadians. We'll get you eventually..

    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      fuck American countries

    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro


    3. -dante-


      Ohhhh cannnaaadaaaa

  4. You saw an opportunity to escape and took the risk. Respect
  5. With all do respect,.. suck it Canada 😌


    1. Tyronee


      man fuck you too

    2. hawk


      Fuck canadians

  6. You say point number four in order to move up the ladder keep your mouth shut.. But really you should be asking, "should I spit or swallow?"
  7. World of Warships makes my blood pressure go up 😤

    1. Marcus


      Hit them below the water line and you win 🙂

    2. Tman15tmb


      @ Marcus  that would be great if only my shells actually hit that area and didn't bounce lol

  8. It's going to be ironic when the group/groups abusing Fed events make it so they become more limited and strict rules are implemented as a result.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. monster


      @ Linka  tbh it really comes down to the fact that most gangs either don't have the skill, the numbers, or both to be considered enjoyable fights.

    3. Linka


      @ monster  that makes sense, seems like the old issues just amplified as time went on.

      @ Tman15tmb  I for sure get your frustrations as i’m sure it’s annoying, it’s such a catch 22 though because the issue like 4ish years ago was the complete lack of federal events because of cop stacks / lack of incentive of actually doing it. i’m sure there’s a weird middle ground to find but I do agree with monsters take where if there’s no cartels to fight, these guys are end game players and federal events are the only thing they can do besides waiting for conquest 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Everyone knows that black nail polish increases your accuracy by at least 50%.  As soon as the APD figure it out the win % will start dropping again.

  9. Could always try being a cocaine cowboy like Tom Cruise in the movie "American Made" lol
  10. Congrats @ Tman15tmb on your reenlistment to the Reserve Unit 🫡


    1. -B-


      Does this have a deeper meaning?

      Dont Leave Me I Need You GIF by Suits


    2. -dante-
  11. I have a strong feeling the gameplay of Arma 4 will be nothing like Arma 3. I generally see more negatives than positives. Depending on which direction Olympus goes, Altis Life may not be the same. It was fresh in 2015 but in 2026 it might be like trying to put makeup on a dead corpse.
  12. Probably because Olympus would lose a big chunk of its community
  13. I don't know how @ -dante- does it.. I remember the ticket life and that shit got really annoying, really quickly.
  14. @ Big Boss Fredo you should take them to the cave near Kavala. No gangs go there anymore. Sad times
  15. Good lord. How much do you feed him?
  16. You got an orange cat lol. There's your problem
  17. Can we implement a new rule that if we see a naked black man with a taser we are automatically guns hot with a Ghost Hawk?

    Never underestimate a naked black man.

  18. Every country/empire had a history of slavery at one point. I will agree freedom is disappearing though. There is a lot of globalist bs and government agendas that sprouted up recently.
  19. No need to be jealous of my 180lb physique lol
  20. https://paste.pics/a85e9b88cddfd748ca5088f9575624dd

    I saw the inside of a hedge with my head after getting spangled haha

  21. Happy Bday to current Medic God @ Marcus

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