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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. Happy Bday @ Tyrone  😒

    Stop murdering me haha

    1. Tyrone


      Haha never, Thank you ❤️

  2. I'm all for this. Prevents hackers hopefully. Probably more work for staff though accepting requests. Is this just a temporary thing or are we transitioning to this kind of server?
  3. Anyone still play rocket league? I started playing again after like a 5 year break.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Absolutely not haha

    3. Ajax


      sorry, i need my RL teammates to be in tip top shape, not crossed off of tweas and hitting the penjamin taking a piss every 5 minutes.

    4. Tman15tmb
  4. Should I have a fifth twea?

    1. nman



    2. Tman15tmb


      I like the way you think

  5. What's the best mobile game and why is it Hempire? 😁

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. -dante-


      The crazy parking era was so much fun. Started every morning with a new (sometimes 2) crazy parking game to play and find each hidden score 

    3. Tman15tmb


      I was referencing more like google play store or apple store games. I honestly haven't played any filter related games. Hell, I barely get on TikTok. 😅

    4. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      raid shadow legends is an online 

  6. Almost that time of year where I can't get on my PC because its too fucking hot outside. I actually have to be productive and shit. 😒

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      That's not a bad idea..

    3. KermitZooicide


      My job forces me to sit at my desk for at least 8.5hrs a day so it's gotta be at least comfortable

    4. Scribble
  7. Is anything better than some Nathans jumbo franks and a couple cold ones on a mild spring day?

  8. Wait.. Milo played sports? I never would have guessed haha.
  9. Sounds like another server wipe is in order haha
  10. Kinda blows my mind people have so much money that they can afford to titan random planes doing delivery missions or what not. Titan missiles aren't exactly cheap.
  11. Any Lakers fans in this community?

  12. I'm getting tired of snow. It's nearly May for fucks sake.

  13. I always have respect for the OG's. Enjoy your retirement from Olympus. Hope to see you in the future. Enjoy spreading democracy in Helldivers haha.
  14. Trust me I'd rather have a single life with better gear and never have to go back after I've died. Respawning in waves hardly gives cops an advantage during Fed events. Now if the APD could respawn and wave rule didn't apply then I could start to see how respawning might give the APD a slight advantage. Let's not forget the rebels have their own human epipen running around.
  15. You took on two corporals and a single FTO but somehow you think fighting a bunch of PO's in your rebel gear is a fair fight since cops are able to respawn? Let's not forget the gear advantage Rebels have over PO's.
  16. https://gyazo.com/2264e48d8ea170979dc818f2b2091fe0

    Leaning towards hookers and blow 😂

    1. knifemaster


      why cant you be single forever and hookers and blow at the same time 

    2. Tman15tmb


      Open options. I like the way you think lol

    3. Toretto


      Hookers and blow is a gateway drug to being a step dad 🤔

  17. Even if someone submits a 20 minute video chances are slim to none that an admin is going to watch it.
  18. Happy Bday @ Big Boss Fredo . Keep your grimy hands away from my gun. 😂


    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Bless up, I ran out of reactions cuz Ryan Jewish but thanks 

  19. It would be nice if there was a rule against medics being taken into a fed event. Nothing more exhilarating than being locked in a dome doing nothing for 30 minutes. It's a clear advantage that makes feds more cancerous than they need to be. Will this change? Probably not, but I can dream.
  20. We need slightly armored hatchbacks please and thank you. Might as well be driving in a cardboard box with how easy bullets pass through it.
  21. I'll be 53 the next time I get an opportunity to see a total eclipse in Colorado. That's weird to think about.. For those of you that are in the path of totality, better enjoy it haha.

    1. Lea
    2. SPBojo


      So you get to see one next year too? Thats pretty neat! 

    3. Lea


      I'll be 63!

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