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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. Thanks for accepting my APD app after my long hiatus. Enjoy your retirement man.
  2. None of my friends on steam are in college. That would be an automatic red flag haha
  3. Started here in 2014 and soon became a career medic with Odin, Sarge, and Muthinator. Got admin sometime around late 2015. Lots of OG's met along the way from my baby mod days.. Hades, to Poseidon, Odin, Ace, Gary, and many more. I enjoyed being staff and helping Gary appoint current admins like Dante and Bubbaloo. I took a long break then decided to come back 7 years later, Shout-out to Dante and Gary. Although it's been 7 years part of me feels like I never left. I've seen the server go through a lot of ups and downs and have to say Ryan has done the best job as server owner considering it's in a better spot 10 years later. Crazy to think some of you were little squeaker kids and now you're all grown up haha. This community has always been special, different from other gaming communities. Met alot of good friends, some I've been talking to for years outside of Olympus. Can't wait to see what the next 10 years brings.
  4. Speak for yourself lol
  5. Good time for me to take a break lol. I'm too OG to play without rules and structure. (I'm fun at parties I swear.. )
  6. Sounds like you need to apply for the R&R haha
  7. GPS darts should be a thing

    1. -dante-


      Would make highway patrols wild (or Kavala ) 

    2. Rexo


      Like tracking the random in Kav and seeing how far he roams. Kinda like tracking a shark in the ocean.  We can finally learn the migration patterns of the elusive bald man with sandals and a rook. 

    3. Tman15tmb


      More so like the ones State Troopers use in certain states. Get in a pursuit then stick a dart to the car and pull back, track them down. That would be pretty cool but probably not easy to code in haha.

  8. I forgot how cancer the server is during Fed spam. Quickly I was reminded why I don't play cop as much as I used to.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      blame @ Winters hes the root of all apd problems


    3. ben-


      maybe spawn sofia noobs

    4. Milo


      Cooldown time in my opinion needs increased. By the time the cops are done chasing players to gold trader, the same group is eligible to start another federal event. It gets extremely obnoxious for cops that want to do other things other than be a wave after wave punching bag. @ Rexo  would love you if you roundtable it 🙂🙏 

  9. I'm getting old. This whole time I thought people were referring to hockey when they talked about "Stanley" cups.


    1. -dante-


      super boomer post. Tman is officially back

    2. Frato


      white bitches dumb as rocks for buying that shit ngl

  10. @ -Shawn-  Your bday is on the day of the SB? That's pretty awesome!

    1. -dante-


      Yessir! Now imagine if the packers could have just beat the 49ers like they should have. Would have been an insane birthday haha 

    2. Tman15tmb


      Or very stress inducing haha. I still remember how nervous I was when the Broncos were in SB 50.

  11. Howdy!
  12. Greetings
  13. Maybe a golden penis should be the logo because there is an abundance of dick sucking in this community. I personally say keep the logo the same. It's unique to Olympus Entertainment. No need to change it.
  14. Oh shit! Dez is going Pro!!
  15. I'm not currently ranked because I mostly play unranked and I haven't played rocket league in 4 months. When I do play ranked I'm usually stuck with dumb shits so I always lose. Its a constant cycle of sucking..
  16. Any of you fuckers play rocket league and are decent at the game?? Looking to get into competitive play but my teammates always suck.
  17. Keep your head up man.
  18. Rub it in dick face haha.
  19. @Plumber Happy Birthday man! Hope you have an awesome day!! Don't get too drunk haha.
  20. We'll leave that shit up to the APD when they do a body cavity search..
  21. Glad to see everyone is getting along haha.
  22. I'm sitting in the back of an ambulance doing nothing currently. Pretty fun stuff lol.
  23. In my case it takes up a whole summer because I chose to take an accelerated course. Most classes take a full semester. I was not aware that you have taken a EMT class before.. Please enlighten me. Lol
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