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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Congratulations on Pararescue @ nman and congratulations on Corp @ Server Lag !!! well done to both of you!!!

  2. Grizzly


    07 brother, I with you the best with your future!
  3.  How to ding dong ditch a Boomer @ Deputy Dog 😂

    1. Benne


      poor boomer

    2. Elm


      I love hearing me some sexy @ KermitZooicide voice

  4. 2d77567ba5913981cb648a01efa9ec11.png Here you will see, a wild group of Aegis in uncharted territory. Never before seen!!! 🤣 

    1. PUG


      its a double date

      Cinco De Mayo Dog GIF

    2. stayclaxxy


      @ Mako joining the pedos now I see? Crazy times we live in.

    3. Mako


      @ stayclaxxy  I wasn't playing, I promise.

  5. Happy Birthday @ Venomm you parasite 😂

  6. Not at all, just think it's time to move on
  7. I agree with some of this... I still think 10hrs is absurd. And how come winters don't have to follow this rule? Because ik damn well he isn't doing 10hrs of "desk work"
  8. It's not that I hate winters, it's more of I hate the way he presents himself to the Jr APD, making his Sr's do 10hrs a week when he hasn't put 10hrs In THIS YEAR. How does it look when someone removes a very well liked and respected Sgt that has always did what is expected of him as a Sgt and you don't even show your face in a public apd channel? But it's not that I hate him, it's just there is no reason for him to be holding the position of chief of police when he can't even put a hour on the server in a month I think winters is a nice person I just don't agree with what he does or stands for, and I think he needs to resign
  9. Am I not aloud to give my opinion? Who would you pick @ monster @ Karma ?
  10. or even @ Brandyn would make a good chief tbh
  11. Ik man you and mako go ham on each other 24/7 insanely crazy. Glad you see it tho!
  12. IMO @ Rexo would be one of if not the best Chief the APD has ever seen
  13. Also can you guess which one of these Sr APD members got removed? https://gyazo.com/478445c0107452d8f92c2735daa7664d https://gyazo.com/55b4711f95117002064f752630542d70 really is a shame
  14. @ Iceman you were one of best SGT out there, I could always rely on to help me when I needed it the most, anytime I needed something (no matter how dumb) you were always the first Sr to respond to my msg. I think it is BS how this so called "Chief" sets these rules that he cannot follow. I have talked with many Srs including APD and RnR and there is no amount of paper work on this server (not including dev work and all of that just Sr paper work) that could fulfil 10hrs a week @ Winters you've had a... run... but come on man its time to give it up. You let one of the most helpful and favorite Sr's go when you do nothing but sit in TeamSpeak all day muted and count that toward your 10hrs. You haven't done 10hrs worth of work this year alone. Also I love our staff on this server, we have the best staff out of any Arma 3 server out there. But its a shame that @ Ryan and @ Grandma Gary have not forced you out of your position. And @ Iceman I wish you luck with whatever you do with your future, always one of my favorite Sr's to play with (even though you couldn't go undercover to save your life ) but thats besides the point Can I get more reactions xD I cant like your message now
  15. @ David Miller on behalf of all APD, thank you!!! For the love of God please don't move that crap back to jail
  16. Congrats @ Moxi The Loli on Pararescue!!!

  17. Happy Birthday Ares!!! oops I mean @ NameIess

  18. 07 man! I wish you best of luck with your future! the ole good days
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