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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. c9b8f2e2560b4a707b29662fcaf63ff2.png

    Just when you think you know someone 😔

    1. Legendary


      @ monster  you're safe now brother

    2. Grizzly
    3. -dante-


      Boomer hacking would actually make me smile. Why? Idk. An old dog learning new tricks has a ring to it 

  2. @ Rexo @ nicole @ Caden @ Xlax @ Hazardous @ YakGod @ GST @ Clashingtin @ xsmitherz @ Dr.Dream @ CaloomClark
  3. I know we didn't always see eye to eye @ Rexo  but I said it first, But anyways congratulations man!e196e2386d7d717f92ec3f97f8cef72d.png

    1. xsmitherz
    2. Dr.Dream


      i hear @ Grizzly can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.


    3. Tommy12


      @ Grizzly  is really good at grooming all the female medics 

  4. Happy birthday @ Hatchbacks , watch your ghost hawks 😉

  5. @ ThatNerdyGuy Rudolph saves Christmas and OWN'S Bumgals

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Congrats you beat a team without their top QB, WR, Corner, and NT. Neither team is making the playoffs this year so we can enjoy the mock drafts. 

    2. Grizzly


      Wym Steelers literally got a first class ticket to the superbowl with the reindeer 😂😂

  6. @ ThatNerdyGuy Kenny Picket owns Cincinnati 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jelly Donut

      Jelly Donut

      It won’t let me post pics but I have a Steelers flag above me bed, a helmet a old school jersey and some dunks lmao @ WALT

    3. Grizzly


      @ WALT I've been here just never really talked football on olympus lmao. I think I said something to you before about it bc I remember you have tj watt as ur discord profile 

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      You beat a backup quarterback in his first ever career NFL start, and only by one score! Still the most fraudulent plus 500 team in the NFL this season. 

  7. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8UejaV7/ @ Mako when Aegis is doing a fed and cops start winning 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaloomClark


      they never start winning

    3. Grizzly


      @ CaloomClark Well they don't have their all star anymore *me cough cough" 

    4. nman
  8. Grizzly


    Since when have I ever been in dodo?? Only recent gangs I was in is Misters and Fog so check ur facts bub Ur so delusional it isn't even funny calling me a pedo when I'm one of the ones who voted no on removing the age restriction, fr you need to learn the facts before you run your mouth and make yourself look more stupid than you already do. And the fact you think I wanted either of them shows how much you know, I'm literally good friends with Medusa's fiancé you can ask him yourself. @ Knawxxx Maybe you should go touch some grass, might clear up some of that head fog you got
  9. Grizzly


    Sorry xD I didnt want too long of a cringe o7 post didnt at a lot of people also out of reactions so sorry @ Element_
  10. Grizzly


    Dear Olympus community, Well it's been fun but it's my time to go. I've had a good run, made it further than I'd ever expect to make it on here so for that I am grateful. I've simply burnt out of the game and tired of watching the middle school drama going down. I also feel as I have nothing left that I can contribute to this the RnR as I will not hold my rank and be AFK like a lot of Sr's have done in the past and with a lot of current Sr's especially in the APD (What a joke). I've never made a o7 post in the past so I'm not quite sure where to begin but here goes nothing. (These are in no order of favorite to least favorite btw) @ Marcus I owe my biggest thanks to you out of everyone on this server. I would have not even come back if it wasn't for you. We first met when you first got Sup I was on civ and you let me ride around in your hawk and convinced me to join the RnR. Then you convinced me to get para even after I didn't want to as I didn't think I'd go anywhere. and from there the rest is history. I know we didn't always see eye to eye and we had our fair share of arguments and I want to apologize for fighting with you. So again I want to thank you for everything you have done for me @ Justi1 You were always my partner in crime, we always agreed on the same stuff and you always backed me even when I said something stupid. Maybe one day ill download R6 just to play with you @Senior R&R Member Thank all of you guys for being a great team to work with, I would go through you tag everyone of you but i'd be here all day so it's just easier to do a group tag I hope everyone of you the best in life. I'll be in touch with you guys @ Knawxxx and @ ladymedusa You two will both go far in this server if you can keep dealing with the bullshit just keep your head down and keep trucking, Wish you two the best @ Milo You are a great dev better than some of the lead dev’s tbh keep doing what you do best and making the server better! (Btw fix your fuckin TDM) @ Deputy Dog I know you'll never see this unless someone tells you about it so idk why im even tagging you lmao, But thank you for basically being the dad of the server and guiding me through APD to a corp, You're basically like my second dad xD @ Dr.Dream you were honestly one of if not my best friend on this server threw out my time on here, thank you for always listening to my rants, we will stay in touch @ King @ TapTap @ JaydenB Thank all of you guys for helping me become a better APD member sad to see the 2 of you go as you are better than most of the other Sr’s on there @ Dante My drama buddy ima miss you also sorry for the late tag @ Rexo you were the biggest flop in all of APD history. Even I used to hope you'd get chief one day. You played everyone when you got LT thinking you could be something good, it's sad to see. I've known you all the way back in 2018 when we were in the gang Reaper and you were one of the coolest people around. You got a captain and it all went down hill. Take the tree out of your ass and get off your hands and knees and be a good Dep chief, please for the sake of the Jr APD Ps. take your stern warning and shove it up your ass, that is if you can fit it up there next to the tree, I'm sure you can from letting winters fuck you @ Noble take my dick out of your mouth please you are a joke of a staff member, Idk what your problem is or what your obsession is with me but keep letting me stay rent free in your head, It's nice and open in here! @ Ryan I never actually got to talk to you until recently you're actually really fun to play with and hang out with, FYI ill beat you at poker. @ Grandma Gary You'll be the reason this server survives, you are honestly the best head admin this server could ask for keep doing what you do best and trolling the server I am only quitting because I haven't been able to be an active Sr in the past month, and I refuse to be a AFK Sr like a lot of other people when there is Para’s who want to improve themselves and I'm holding the position, for no other reason. I will probably still be around in TeamSpeak here and there to talk to my friends, I'll probably still get on and play medic here and there. If I missed anyone I'm sorry, but I'd be here all day tagging all of my friends and I aint about to do all that. As for the Aegis retards there are 100 reasons the server is dying and you guys are 99% of them. There are only a couple of actually cool Aegis members who actually care about the server and it's sad to see. But congrats on you guys for being biased and getting all your buddies in the APD. That is why it's ruined. I feel bad for the actual good Sr APD members who get a bad name because of you tards, But keep ruining the server it will die one day! Sorry for the cringe post but yall can smd
  11. Ima drive my truck alittle extra today just so I can kill the environment for you too! You can thank me later
  12. Grizzly

    o7 Apd

    Sucks to see you go @ JaydenB but I understand dont be a stranger
  13. 5b5766031387160fe921ce9166b5ef2a.png 😮 @ Ryan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grizzly


      @ Dante only thing is they were all down votes 😭

    3. Lezek


      shouldn't have rammed people in the derby hope you learned your lesson

    4. -dante-


      Damn @ Ryan a certified hater 

  14. Happy birthday to my partner in crime @ Justi1 and happy birthday @ Revise

  15. This is Sparta!!! 





  16. I can't tell if this is a joke or not can you please clarify?
  17. Bring @ Lucky back too 🙏

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