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Everything posted by Donald.

  1. what's scamming?
  2. Donald.


  3. Donald.


    What 20m? and no
  4. Donald.


    @Canadian is scum of the earth. I am leaving Olympus. Take care, wont keep you long. Thanks @Coffee and everyone who was nice to me
  5. Cool beans
  6. why private acc?
  7. stay tuned for the results

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  8. My hockey team is undefeated in our Christmas Tourney 3-0 so far, we play again tmrw at 10am

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drama


      I didn’t have hockey at my school or anything down south and I moved up north and played my senior year of high school and scored my only goal on senior night and tried to celly ride my stick and I fell over and busted my shit. My coach played in the nhl and was strict so he never let us celly but he was even laughing. I wish I could’ve played hockey longer 

      GL in the tourney

    3. Donald.


      Haha that’s awesome

      Thanks again drama

    4. Donald.


      We lost the first game of the day 5-4

  9. don't bet. take it from the addict
  10. Well you know, if you're offering.... My bank account is looking kind of low
  11. shower with dad sim 2018
  12. Goodluck on r&r promotions today guys. U all deserve it

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  13. Shit. I didnt think you would come back from that. You win this round. I'll be back
  14. Meet me in support kid
  15. Incorrect
  16. nope
  17. I love you man. Hopefully you come back to R&R it aint the same without you

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    1. Slumberjack


      actually tho come back sir

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      DB awaits your return!

  18. Hi, I just wanted to personally say good luck to everyone on promotions tonight. Hopefully my night is in the future. Tonight just ain't my night folks 

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  19. Budgie
  20. Thanks guys I was crying for like 2 hours. These birds are family to me
  21. Well I dont know how else to put it. I was fucking crying while writing this.
  22. So i was sleeping this morning and I was awoken by a very loud sound of my 3 birds screeching at 3:30 am. I looked over at the ground to see my 4 month old kitten on top of my bird Fabio. I immediately got on top of the cat and got him off of the bird. Fabio's wing is messed up with some blood but he will be fine I hope. Guys my little bird Elvis was killed by my kitten. God rest your soul Elvis you will forever be in my heart little guy. Please pray for my birds, I love them with my life
  23. I wanna buy a house super close to kav square on server 1. Post your offers
  24. I run an i5-7500k and a gtx 1080ti and I get 70 frames in kav lol
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