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Cale last won the day on June 15 2021

Cale had the most liked content!


About Cale

  • Birthday March 13

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. U still play GTA FiveM?

    1. Noahhh!


      I stopped playing a while ago actually. Why you thinking about getting back into it?

  2. Add a plattbook you can view at realtor to see who owns what properties around the map, feel like that would solve the "verification issue" on who owns what houses @ Community Director Sov (theres a civ council idea for someone to hit there mins). Still even if you knew who owns the property wouldn't placing an explosive be a 1 way engagement towards the bomb placer? Or add windows key checking registration just like cops can, maybe people with homeowners licenses can? OR add a new license (money sink opportunity here) such as a realtors license that allows people to see who owns the house. (if you think this is op for some reason all you have to do is get cop and then you can check all the registrations you want)
  3. I wonder what the civ council meetings sound like
  4. Same I first started playing this when I was 12 haha. I bet @ goooooon started when his age was still in the single digits
  5. this post got me crying this is what olympus is about
  6. One of the sickest death cams ever recorded on Oly

    1. Frato


      cabal feds were such a vibe miss those days

    2. knifemaster
    3. Skys


      take me back to cabal expect leave rabid out of it

  7. double tap c for combat stance and make sure you are always in it, go into settings and disable vehicle freelook and adaptive crosshair, and if you are planning on playing vigi/cop/want to talk to people while having your Y menu open set up a keybind for VON (voice over net) in settings, I recommend making this key bind double tapping caps lock.
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