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Everything posted by Evannnnn

  1.  @Queef

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skys


      Oof well now queef is apart of DB so not our problem 😄

    3. Queef


      I got kicked but I still wipe u guys for fun.

    4. Queef


      evan ur a bitch 🙂

  2. this is the chief ive been looking for +1
  3. who are you and when did we ask?
  4. why do you have carl wheezers music video in your signature

  5. no one cares that u lost ur vcard to a guy
  6. yeah dog u got 60k now i see you moving up the ranks, top 50 coming soon?
  7. 13000 and -38 warpoints thats what i like to see
  8. US Military captures 5 Generals of the Iranian Army. Circa 2020 (colorized)
  9. dont nerf and we dont need to camp for money
  10. ok so civs complain about roleplay all day but they dont want their houses to be raided when its probably full of rebel sets / drugs etc. just use some common sense and your house wont get raided lmao were already nerfed arent you happy
  11. you just found that out? and +1 on obstacle course
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