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About cuzzicann

  • Birthday 01/24/1998

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  1. I'm honestly getting sick and tired of these "fail rp" cops that are just money hungry... Is it right that when you pull up to square get of your car with a 136k bounty and an officer just walks up to your car and checks registraion.. and then says "APD hands up!"...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      I have to agree on McDili on that one, Civs take it way to far with the tilde thing.. And i am tired of hearing you don't know my name, and you yelled hands up or be tazed when there is 50 people in the square.. And when we RP with the Civs name to catch him, they still rage and call fail RP cause we technically don't know his name... Alot of the stuff the Civs calls fail RP is normal procedure for every PD IRL.. So thing a little, what would the cops IRL do, yes they wou...

    3. cuzzicann


      Look I play cop to I understand the whole tilde thing.. but I like to roleplay the situation on like trying to spot them doing something illegal like speeding or wrecklessly driving so that I can ask for an ID.. not just spotting a wanted criminal and then just running to their car and checking registration and preceeding with APD hands up.

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