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Everything posted by cuzzicann

  1. 1.25 mil is such a bad offer lol. You can easily sell one for 5 or 6 mil just gotta find the right buyer
  2. I think you can overdose and the negative defect is your screen cycles through the rainbow but doesn't sway like Broweiser's do. Length of effect, no clue sry
  3. I think consuming meth gives like a 70% health increase... but i'm not 100% sure
  4. APD just needs to go back to it's 2014 days of you having to actually RP by seeing someone commit a crime or being able to "know the face" of a criminal with a high bounty over a certain amount :/ Awesome job tho @Jesse by far olympus' best dev in history (imo)
  5. This Property Has Been Sold!
  6. Current High Bid: $1.5mil (private offer) Current High Bid: $2mil (private offer)
  7. First off, please keep any comments related to this post. Also this property may or may not be for sale I just want to know if it's worth anything. If there is any good bites for it I may sell it. Property: https://gyazo.com/9e3bacb9069b5fdb4efc721b9ccd9d3e - perfect for attacking/defending arms dealer + storing loadouts and titans ps - feel free to PM me if you would like to keep it private - I will be giving this offer to the highest bidder Saturday, April 13 @ 12pm CST
  8. 24, i'm un-liking your post if i don't win :/
  9. @JesseServer 3 has crashed like 3 times today. Just in case you didn't know 

    1. Toasty


      cAN conFIRM thi s is an ONGoing PROblem

  10. One of these is broken... :/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_yHB0GECDI


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drama


      Lmao howwwww

    3. cuzzicann


      No fucking clue. It just like insta killed my hummi

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Its the sting for sure. I always get taized by deputies, No other. There is actually a corporal using one right now as I type this.  

  11. Are the houses 3 craters?
  12. Our gang sold one for 6mil
  13. 2mil for mar 10 and rpg
  14. 1mil mar10 1mil rpg
  15. Suppressor has been sold
  16. 100k for mxm? 150k for spar16s?
  17. Looking to potentially sell this 7.62 suppressor. Please post any offers below or feel free to PM me if you wish.
  18. Idk what shits worth from bw but what's a mar 10 usually go for?
  19. Also look for combo deals on newegg or amazon. You can usually get a processor + motherboard with a discount. He will need both a new motherboard if getting the 8700k it's a LGA1151 (300series) socket vs his LGA1151 socket
  20. If you are positive you have ddr4 ram now then you should be fine.
  21. I would recommend getting water cooling if you plan on overclocking because you can overclock this thing to 5.0GHz easily. But I've had a hyper 212 evo on mine for over a month now and my temps are perfect.
  22. I have an i7-8700k, of course this will require you to get a new motherboard / RAM. I have heard very good things about the i7-7700k aswell though. But I run 60 fps on full ultra, full shadows, full sky, at 8km view distance / 8km object distance, while constantly recording without any frame loss. CPU - https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117827&cm_re=8700k-_-19-117-827-_-Product Motherboard - https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16813144111 RAM - https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232391
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