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Everything posted by Frato

  1. I remember from back in the SRT days when Conner invited us to come join synergy. Majority of us had no clue what we were doing on oly, yet despite that he still taught us everything we needed to know and even gave us money and trucks to start out. I wouldn't even be playing oly if it weren't for him and I'll never forget the memories we had together. This doesn't even feel real fly high brother <3.
  2. "Just want to clear things up. It was not an overdose or suicide. Drugs was not involved in his passing. His IRL friends wanted me to make it clear. He was a diabetic and was low on insulin which caused him to have a seizure which lead to him passing. "
  3. RIP @ DABESTeva

    Every gang I was in with you was a blast. You were the highlight of every gang who always brought top tier energy and banter. You made not just arma, but every game fun <3. I'll miss hearing you smile. Sy on top forever!

  4. Looks like just as always, on forums, everyone is so smart and has everything to say, but in real-life, they're just cockroaches with no achievments, you people really never cease to amaze me with your stupidity and how retarded you are, but I do get it, a country led by a 90 year-old with dementia can't really have a double-digit IQ citizens, especially ones who spent their whole life on an mil-sim LIFE rpg game

  5. Isn't there a thing under someone's name if they're in the tutorial or not? Pretty sure it serves the same purpose.
  6. who tf uses windows 11
  7. Honestly it looks like really high sense if you ask me. Kid probably had one to many redbulls which is why it looks that way. Haven't seen any other clips besides the one nephew posted but so far he seems legit.
  8. You're*
  9. Gameplay on s1 hasn't changed since I seriously started playing in 2019 and even in 2018 nothing had really changed. We simply don't care about the thousands of quality of life features and all the small features when there hasn't been any new content to do. There hasn't been a fight on og in ages, the server is constantly at its knees and there have been problems with the server that have been around for ages that haven't been fixed that won't be fixed. If devs are busy that's fine but when simple fixes and problems aren't solved for years it shows a lack of resolve and futurity for the server.
  10. Can we get some context for this beef please feel like this is gonna be a good one
  11. Olympus, Mecca for Pedophiles*
  12. there's no way someone can be this dogshit holy fuck
  13. since i'm under 18 i'm going with sovereign i'd rather not get touched
  14. I mean shit if you're giving permission than aight
  15. No actually revise is not correct as it's still incorrect grammatically. https://gyazo.com/d1ec3a99b169a87a47370258d701b4ab
  16. dying* resign*
  17. fuck the the jig is up pack it up boys time to go home
  18. You're 38 and still crying about civil council grow up ahaha clearly no one wants you here take the hint please
  19. See if you can convince her to abort it child support is ass
  20. feet
  21. This man got his dogs to dislike all my posts that's just sad https://gyazo.com/d0e8e4bf032e1c58434aaf24ce36a267
  22. Just stfu your down horrendous and you're only making it worse. It's just one excuse after another.
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