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Status Updates posted by Wheatkings

  1. Wheatkings and pretty things... lets see what morning brings.

    1. Bacardi


      A big bottle of Bacardi;)

    2. Mercury


      apparently it brought you power outages, fire, and chaos

    3. Mister Miracle
  2. #Tiredofthewhiners!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      I agree friggin whiners man

    3. Papamunski


      whining about the whiners wheat hehe

    4. Tman15tmb


      Yeah, I couldn't agree more Wheat

  3. I wanna know what RP is.... and I want you to show me!

    1. wrice4


      RP is when you get into an argument with the wife, and all of a sudden restrain her for verbal threats.

    2. Spectral


      Tonight baby I will show you my old man role-play. Be on in a little under two hours...

  4. Updated sig quote! "Winning in Altis Life is playing the RPG aspect of the game. When you have a good session and RP the shit out of every situation and be reasonable about how you play."

  5. Nov 4th for the new AMRA3 DLC! Its looking sick!

    1. zetherin


      Yea it's looking sweet

    2. PoLaRBe4r


      Why you so expensive DLC. comon steam, DLC sale damnit!

  6. When dealing with trolls don't just throw part of the ticket book at them, throw everything you can!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wheatkings


      Meh Its all in the delivery. RP+Justified charges is key!

    3. Sam1898


      Bobey was talking about Polarbear

    4. Bobey


      ya i meant the flashbang part xD I always threw the book and the station at them

  7. Last nights event VIP PD Escort is being uploaded to Youtube! T-98 minutes.....

  8. Yep that's right, lock and load! Corporal Wheaties is in the house!

    1. Morbain


      You jammy bugger but congrats!!!

    2. Wheatkings


      LOL Jammy Bugger?

    3. Lt_Grim626
  9. #Can'tWin - just spilled a liter of water all over my pc desk! EEEKKK!

    1. Griffinhawk
    2. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      Just be thankful it isn't Coca Cola, or any other carbonated drink for that matter.

    3. Wheatkings


      I may have gotten more water in my mouse then I thought.... its having serious issues turning left and right.... otherwise it seems like I lucked out

  10. Following Cables footsteps. To Serve & Protect Coming soon to a Altis TV station near you!

  11. The proof is not in the pudding... its apparently in hours and hours of recorded video.

    1. Griffinhawk


      need more pudding

    2. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      Hello, with the pudding.

  12. Don't drop the soap!

    1. Stax


      Soap on a rope is the best kind of soap.

  13. People don't status update enough...

    1. Poseidon


      i'm about to eat dinner #food

    2. Stax
  14. Constable Power FTW!

  15. Being Constable + Fed Robbery! Exciting!

  16. Hello... my name is Wheatkings, I play a cop and I RP.

    1. Dustin87


      Nice to meet you. You a cadet?

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