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Happy Birthday!

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Jerrod last won the day on March 7 2021

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About Jerrod

  • Birthday 09/20/2004

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    United States
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    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Jerrod


      I go off the word of the Lord, in the bounds of marriage I think using a condom is fine, given the fact that nowhere in scripture does it say we must reproduce every single time we have sex, so I would go off by that judgement that in the bounds of marriage using a condom is okay, and since I know that you are not a Christian or anything I personally do not despise that due to the fact that the fetus is not alive yet and if you were to use a condom, it would not go to the womb, it instead would feel nothing because it isn't even alive. So if it were condoms, sure. But if I do more research my opinion may change. 

      As far as birth control pills, those have been known to damage a woman's possibility to even have a child in the future and it has many other affects on the body as well. So for birth control pills, I am against. And the Lord told us to be fruitful and multiply and we shouldn't do away with the possibility of us being able to multiply and bring another one of God's creations in the world. Because we are ultimately doing away with the gift that God gave us to be able to reproduce if we hock down a birth control pill every time we have sex. 

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Jerrod just switched to God because he cant get any puss when he spends his whole day fighting cap so he tries to use his virginity as a positive

    4. Jerrod


      I switched to God because I was utterly miserable and I didn't realize I was a complete lukewarm Christian on my way to hell.

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