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Everything posted by Jerrod

  1. Random chimp event


    1. silton


      Respect finally a good tune on the forums

  3. wyo girl
  4. This how ima do you 


    1. buckie


      Arma 3 slide show

  5. what
  6. @SINITY @Connor McGregor @Drop @mOE
  8. selling @DABESTeva's reggie that i stole from his dad, $110 a zip, 35 8th, 75th q, pound $270

    1. DABESTeva


      what are you saying kid u are one weirdo and nah zips are $200 for your bitch ass 

  9. so you're just admitting to taking an L? and show some fuckin screenshots to prove that LOL don't believe that for a sec you spent the entire year sucking senior staffs dick
  10. at least you don't got any tp opps
  11. thanx for the 20 mil for rank 3 they're so braindead that they can't put 2 and 2 together and realize what the fuck something means LOL
  12. That video is like 6 years old, and that was still in the hood. And where did I ever say that I live in a trap? You kids just spout off bullshit fr Not fixing to argue with some dickrider who thinks he knows shit but he doesn’t.
  13. I have rarely even been on Arma recently. I bet you probably have 150+ hours in the past 2 weeks on Arma. And I don’t think your little pea brain can figure out that I don’t give a fuck if people don’t like me on this sever either. I am sitting here shit talking 3 of you kids and your insults don’t even get to me. You kids are pathetic and this would’ve probably all been avoided If you just left me and Gabe the fuck alone and stopped trying to get us re permed. We literally did not talk any shit until you guys decided to start shit and bring up his mom 24/7 because that’s all you little rats can do. Keep being our biggest fans I do? Again, saying straight bullshit cuz you don’t even know where I live. Check out North Chesterfield/Petersburg, Va and let’s really see if that’s a suburb dumb fuck, go epically fail another gang wars, rent-an-admin Thank you for adding this @Grandma Gary, we can finally express how we feel about certain staff without them banning us from the forums and deleting the post
  14. I’m pretty sure your definition of Someone “acting like a gang banger” is them just being a man and not being a little square and taking shit from a rent-an-admin like you.
  15. When have I ever said I was a gang banger or acted like it? You don’t even know what a real gang banger is cuz you throw that insult around and you have been wrong almost every time. I could care less if people knew you or not, just extra fuel to the roast, but you missed the fact that I was saying that no one LIKES YOU... not about your relevance. And I know that it hurts your little heart when an Arma kid has an issue with you. If you want to find some fake gang bangers go to @buckie. I am a white kid from the hood, but I don’t false claim or “act like a gang banger”. That’s more your style queer
  16. Gets roasted so brings up something from over a year ago LOL. Got anything new besides “I begged to be unbanned” “I’m 400 pounds” and that cringe ass application? My biggest fans still can’t come up with something creative to throw at me
  17. Act out at school? I was skipping school before I got banned. Better things to do. And no one knew who you were until you started dickriding so what’s the point of even mentioning you played in 2014
  18. @Xirie you must be a fucking retard if that’s all you got. Saying absolute bullshit isn’t going to get me banned you fucking retard. Keep the embarrassment off of the forums and keep crying to us in dms that your owner is banned. You kids really are fucking retarded. I guess when he shows $50,000 cash to all of plague in Snapchat video y’all must forget about that? All of you kids are gonna get hit by karma and then you’re gonna realize being such a degenerate on the internet comes back and bites you in the ass. If anyone tries to act hard it’s you kids. But when you get in a vc with us you’re a quiet little pussy. All of you plague kids work the same, mullet boy trained y’all to be excellent pussies.
  19. Take it to heart @Panda :), you have to be one of the worst admins in history. You were literally getting straw polls for you to get removed from admin because of how bad you were with gang wars. Too bad you sucked dick to get where you are now. Damn you got his ass!!! You said he look like a headass! I beat you and the DB kids are all stroking each other’s cocks for talking about people’s dead mother and saying bullshit roasts that aren’t even true. I did now?! Hahahahahaha you lying little retard, just mad that we are keeping mullet boy banned. It doesn’t make you smart to type a fucking 5 paragraph roast that makes no sense. I don’t know how you have such a fucking ego. You came from no where and sucked all of staffs dick to make it to the top, and now everyone hates you. Have fun in DB ts with your two-faced friends who constantly talk shit about you @Panda :) you permed me from the olympus teamspeak because I had all players that were watching the gang wars stream hating you. It’s funny how you try and roast any of us about being internet gangsters when your entire irl ego and in game ego revolves around your rank in a roleplay server. I would slap the dog shit out of you and you would not do shit about it.
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