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Everything posted by Cloutarino

  1. 3m for house and tasers
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Tru3El3mental/
  3. tase a monkey dep
  4. poggers
  5. Epic
  6. RNR is fun tho
  7. Not in my case i can do a 2 paragraph app and still get denied Its just crazy how much work u have to put in for an age exception on apd when someone a year older then me can just say hi Its just crazy how much work u have to put in for an age exception on apd when someone a year older then me can just say hi.. it just might be me but at this point I think they stoped reading my apps and just look if i turned 16 yet
  8. Lol u think it takes 30 tree members
  9. Atm medic get paid 20k a rev
  10. way to hard for u or the cops cause its easy my guy
  11. Cloutarino


    Lol just the fact u said Mhh u got proof kinda sounds like ur a scummy scammer xd and also two pretty trustworthy sources say u do so i believe them
  12. sure how many u have if only 1 pm me
  13. I like to die with honor tho
  14. Tru But without you it wouldn’t have happened
  15. Shhhhh
  16. So basically I was on medic at kav and the notorious gang DB decided to deny everyone within a 3 km range I think this is stupid and outrageous and should be changed to either individual people/gangs only and not everyone in kav
  17. ill pay 150k for mx, 420k for type 115 (have a little wiggle room), mk1 800k-900k
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