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Everything posted by MidgetMuncher

  1. I mean i doubt they would be to op, not like it's a lynx.
  2. (I know this has been asked before but i took no notice) Marksmen dlc comes out on wednesday there's a bunch of new wepons including a few new 7.62. Are any of the new wepons going to be included on the altis life server? If so which ones? I also saw new ghillies, armour and uniforms will they be included?
  3. I Noticed server has 90 slots now, Since when :o

    1. SPBojo


      since 1946, the mythical poseidon updated the server.

    2. Unintentionaljihad


      Since i self destructed, the servers haven't been full.

  4. Night Stalker OP

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      If your target's past 1 click, then it starts to lose its effectiveness. Kentucky windage with that thing is tough as well since there aren't any mildots either.

    2. EatMeth


      Tws is where its at


  6. Stream Snipers be lootin our base (COF)


    1. SPBojo
    2. Fedot


      RIP STOMPY - The UAG That thought he could swim

    3. SPBojo
  8. No because on that server it's just reskin it doesn't require you to get it but if you did it would give you different textures than others, AK47 is a reskin of Katiba Carbine and the Ak74u is a reskin of one of the TRG'S If you read it, it say's it's not required to play the server but using it allows you to have custom textures
  9. http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/20962-altis-life-uk-launcher-modpack/ Could we do something like this for olympus?
  10. Yes but i use shadowplay, and when my game stops responding it doesn't record.
  11. You're making out it's easy not to get banned, it really is you could break nlr by 30 seconds get band, being arrested by a cop and your game crashes you come back on and no apd is online.I've not been banned for major things but very silly small things like that.
  12. Exactly, mistakes always happen and i think being banned 4 times in the entire time you've been playing on the server is a little to strict. The worst part is people will only do it from pure hate and to see you suffer.
  13. I feel the four strike rule isn't a very good rule. First, i've been played olympus for 5+ months now, i'm on my third ticket one more and i'm permed. One wasn't even really my fault. But let's not get into that, the point is the 3 bans have been spread out between these 5 months, and if i do the slightest thing let's say i could break NLR by a few minutes and i'll be gone from olympus forever. I would understand the rule if it was just constant rule breaking, exploiting or hacking but it's not. Many of you may know that SPBojo an active forum user and donator was recently permed from the server for breaking only 4 rules between 10months, luckily now he has been unbanned and converted to a 12 day ban i am just saying the admins might not be as forgiving to other members. The four strike should be rethought.Okay, if they RDM 4 times in a row only a few days after they receive each ban they obviously don't understand the rules and they need to be gone, but come on. People who have been playing for over 5 months get all their time and effort wiped for just small reasons. I personally cannot think how it could work out but the ban times should just keep increasing until you reach 100 day ban and then after that you're gone, that's if you're an active member who takes the server seriously, not the people that will just RDM each time they get unbanned them kind of people should be gone.
  14. I love checking the id's of people in MC and to find out that lot's of there members have no houses and below 1mil. Makes me wonder where the mk18's comes from when they have bassicly no money..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SPBojo


      MC Application requires the Player ID. i myself have a inbox full of player id's from when i dealt with recruitment for MC. and lets no make Flame Wars... jezz, lets all grow up and get permabanned ok?

    3. MidgetMuncher


      Thomas i had time on my hands and was looking at the forums of mc applications and some of their members didn't read the post and they posted their id's in the comments. And i'm just saying it's nice to see that i have more money than half the members, and i've noticed some of you have no houses either it's just confusing how you're pulling out mk's all the time when some of you only have 200k i understand you may take it from gang funds, but i never see it go...

    4. Anarkhiya


      Didn't realize a house meant a good player.

  15. Seems like cops working with their gang members all of a sudden. It's all cool we've got lots of evidence.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It's no secret, why do you need evidence? xD

    3. MidgetMuncher


      It's against the rules ;)

    4. Brennan
  16. So let me get this straight? If i'm unarmed and there is a guy shooting at my friend, he's 10m away in a RED zone i try block the shots and i run him over once i left the area and allowed him to get back up, he takes one of our guys out and then we take him out. Vdm rules should be re-thought .

    1. Hades


      Unless you are the one being shot at then you can't run him over.

    2. MidgetMuncher
    3. krack


      Wait, isnt that just a hit and run?

  17. http://arma3.com/marksmen-challenge
  18. Why is that funny? We've combined with AAF We've got usually 20 people on at a time now... Perhaps it could work like how asylum do there monthly lazer tag competions, the gangs sign there best members in before hand and then it can be organised for a certain time. This would mean teams would have an even ammount and it's organised.
  19. So where are you guys planning on getting your houses?
  20. I play usually 40 frames then it goes down to 2-3 it's so annoying
  21. Anybody else getting random frame drops?

  22. Why are people leaving because of the wipe? I Hope they realise joining another server means they'll get a wipe anyway...

    1. Gator


      I welcome the wipe and the update hence my presence

  23. It's very fun
  24. The update will encourage more people to join the server considering that you wont get big gangs that have 50mil each reking you everytime you do a run. After the update it will be alot harder to earn money which will make people spend it more wisely Infact put it this way i left to join asylum with ki a few months back it took me about 4 weeks to make a million. on olympus i had 1.5mil garage house+helicopters etc in just 3 days.
  25. Just because it's the end of the world doesn't mean you should all go around the map in 50.cals shooting anything that moves.

    1. Fedot
    2. Chaotix


      Yes...Yes it does, thats why they shouldnt have announced it, inb4 its a lie and they just wanted people to spend there money to fix the problem.


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