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Status Updates posted by Hunter

  1. Make it so if a cop is Tazed you can Restraine him even if there is not 3 people around 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PJ.


      Just get good and do what Grego! did. Kidnap a Corporal right infront of 3 other cops B)

    3. Unjo


      I'll see what I can do

    4. -dante-


      AIDS. When that became a thing nobody did anything besides camp HQs. 

  2. What is better sting or Pdub

  3. please message me on discord 

  4. i made a request recently i thought you guys made exemptions on medic applications for age 

    1. SPBojo


      Jokes on you, suki isnt "you guys" hes the "Denier". 

    2. Richard


      Exceptions aren’t the norm.  They’re exceptions for a reason.

    3. -dante-


      If they gave exceptions to everyone they may as well lower the age or delete age requirements all together. Exceptions are meant for exceptional under agers. 

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