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Everything posted by Rashad

  1. Sad case to see this is the standard for admins @Noahhh! @Ryan
  2. your apd banner is cringe as fuck loser
  3. A revolution is near.. stand with the godfather https://discord.gg/YyJH3px
  4. A revolution is near.. stand with the godfather https://discord.gg/YyJH3px
  5. u look broke asf dawg
  6. These Lucchese dawgs is some bad motherfuckers
  7. @CocoisDead Can't wait to walk the streets of Kav with my new suppressor! Not a bad idea
  8. @CocoisDead What do you think lad? You seem to have encountered the Lucchese quite a bit recently.
  9. @Ryan What do you say? These guys seem to be running the Kav streets as of recent.
  10. Do I even need to elaborate on this idea, this post speaks for itself. Lucchese for Civ Council.
  11. how to i appeal to higher ups?

    1. Monks


      You do know private messages exist right?

    2. Rashad
    3. Millennium


      Put in another player report and request for an Admin+

  12. would like to see the vid

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rashad


      can we talk in ts?

    3. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Join ban center and ill get with you sometime tonight.

    4. Rashad
  13. Check my appeal when u get a chance, i have a question

    1. Claysive


      At work. Will help you when I’m home

    2. drama
  14. Recruitment link @Horizon
  15. Does silla not have a recruitment forum in gang recruitment?
  16. Since I’ve been back no gangs have been doing federal events. If you gangs do federal events please pm me.
  17. check pms when you get a chance son

  18. How much for 7.62 suppressor ?
  19. To bad @Strikkeisn't an admin.. get off my dick xD LMFAO respect..
  20. Mods and admins, might as well be the same thing. Still taking cumshots at Ryans campfire..
  21. Keep your old head ass retired Strikke, I'm talking about REAL admins here.. @Strikke @Dangerwelcome to the thread, still in ban center if you are ready to peek out of your shell and communicate like human being lmao
  22. @Ryanrather than making these "huge updates" to repopulate this dying server get rid of incompetent admins and mods who hit civilians with the ban hammer if they are slightly darker than a paper bag.
  23. All you admins seem pretty judgmental when you could just hire better devs to fix yo shit so it never happens huh? Can't keep population on this server cause you ban everyone lmao. @Strikke
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