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Everything posted by PUG

  1. PUG

    Arma 4

    no shot wanna send me they key to it
  2. PUG


    dont fucking start you owe me 250K
  3. PUG


    BRUH i miss u
  4. PUG

    congrats 😘

  5. happy birthday cunt🥶

  6. who is being big bad
  7. AMD ryzen 7 3700XT RTX 2080 Founders 16 GB Ram WD BLACK SN850 1TB stole bikes for it all
  8. @ Martinezzz everyone loves me and my suggestion
  9. pornhub
  10. PUG

    Tits or Ass ?

  11. PUG


    its my birthday and yes im jesus but the water trick was ice water
  12. OH FUCK
  13. retired staff noahhh!🥶

  14. @Slav old joke
  15. #1 i can say the same thing i wound rather pro moonshine then sit on cap your point is invalid and your fighting how other people play the game who fucking cares just because u play cap does not make u a god #2 thats not my issue if u had it for a year it does not make you look better you are still that nerdy ass highschool that has then retarded harry potter glasses #3 your not winning i have u in a fucking choke hold retard
  16. #1 who cares if u had a chance #2 you have your profile as female and you fucking wish that was u in that profile pic i bet you bigger then a blackfish #3 kid u need to hit back harder because im shitting in your mouth on this topic
  17. #1 i dont care did u tell your boyfriend about me. #2 thats irrelevant i can say the same thing your in reign like who the fuck are u #3 i dont think you are
  18. lol u did not win shit dude the only thing u did win is the autism award when u put that old ass gif that made me feel like i was talking to some kid that thinks he is the popular kid in highschool when hes the dumbass that has gay ass harry potter glasses thinking he is top shit for playing arma in a irrelevant olympus gang
  19. is the part where u put that cringy ass 8bit gif funny in any form like kid don't respond to comments u cant win
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