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Everything posted by GummyCow

    1. JBruesch


      the fuck am I watching?

    2. JBruesch


      @Jopple123 His parents mist be proud

      Also, which one is GummyCow?

  1. what happened to my APD tags?

  2. ya congrats @Dustin87 you are a really fun cop to RP with you deserved it!!!!

  3. miss you dad, this is the only picture i have of you.:bigcheef:

  4. how do you lose gang wars when your whole gang plays arma 8+ hours a day.....lul
  5. ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper     ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper

  6. can you guys make sure no one speed hacks this time?
  7. i would be number 1 if it was for top role players
  8. Later Peter Long 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GummyCow
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Enjoy your 14 day VACation broski. ^_^

      Let us know if you need more time.

    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Oh child. You have no idea what you are messing with. 

  9. what makes someone a real player?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      shoot ghost-hawk tail rotors out with lynx from 2k out on koth :D 

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      A script that enables you to hot-key your Ethernet cable.

  11. we shouldnt be making a compromise for a retarded useless faction
  12. ┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┏( -_-)┛┗(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓

  13. #stopshitmontages2016

  14. so once you get $669 in your pocket you are gonna give us a car. lmao is this a joke?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      As Poseidon mentioned. Servers do not run on food and water. If you enjoy playing here then why not donate to keep it alive? 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      $669 a month

      $22 per day 

      $1   per hour

      We have 8,871 members at this time. This donation goal is more than possible if everyone who actually enjoys playing here would donate a little bit. We have at least 100 active members daily on the forums. They come and go. They seem to be the most active. Again, why not donate to keep this running. 

      This place does not run on food and water. There are costs to be taken into consideration. We have great features. Also, more planned and are pulling in great numbers 100/100 on prime time. Everyone pitch in and do something to keep us alive. 

    4. Fastik


      I mean even if everyone donated like 10 dollars it would help lol

  15. Best Shot: 3 Rip or Babooshka Best Driver: Virus Best Heli Pilot: Ghostface Best Officer: Ghostface Best R&R: Commander Suki Best Kavala Troll: ZHS Best RP'r: Mcdili Most Tactical: Babooshka Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Gummycow, Zhs, Deimos, Rusty, Babooshka, Cake, Huskers, Jopple, Eric, iDictatee, Mr. Kevin, Leon, Kyle, Ghostface, 3 Rip, G.O.A.T, Linka, Virus Most Reliable: Eric Most Dedicated Player: Cake Best CQC player: Huskers Best Clutch plays: Eric MVP: Eric or 3 Rip or Deimos
  16. Happy birthday to my boy jopple:wub:B)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GhostFace


      i shot bubbles, then i shot a couple randoms, then i shoot gary.

    3. FluffyTEDDY
    4. GhostFace


      Nah idc personally. Servers better without me, At least my boy pete malloy is unbanned.

  17. goat you are a mong. it should be so PO's and higher can raid it and they dont have to go in with lights and sirens. if you dont like it you need to be more tactical
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