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Everything posted by Sagebrush

  1. I got a mar 10 tazer and dms, how much u wana pay for it?
  2. push moist nugget on og
  3. Cool vehicles, mediocre gear.
  4. Joe biden and his quotes are cringe.
  5. holy crap your a bot, 1800 hours and both your kds are bellow 1
  6. Ok so for all drugs (except for meth and moonshine) the basic process gets %100 of the total drug value if you double process you will recieve 125% of the drugs value, you can do basic processes at black markets, but the black market will take a cut of your materials. Then yheres cartels, if you dont hold them you have to pay a 15% tax on all drugs sold (except frog drugs).
  7. how many crates?
  8. i cant relate, but it looks fundamentally different
  9. Tbh the events have gotten way easyer since ive joined olympus, i would encourage many smaller to medium gangs to do said heists, you can easily 5 man the bank.
  10. I like dis gaem
  11. i think prism did one yesterday, and this last weekend i did 3 bank heists.
  12. this post is over a month old
  13. hm they unlocked it again
  14. holy shit 2.5 is mar 10 prices
  15. real question for issues in the degenerate era we live in.
  16. college melted my brain, life is a pain, and i lack the will to read. 1. Keep the primary tone black 2. Keep your designs consistent, why does the SUV / hatchback have a different decal style in relation to the off-road, van and prowler. Below are my thoughts on changes that could be done to achieve two different thematic styles, (1 is a more moddern "police style" 2 is monochromatic and can be used to imply that the police force maintains "authoritarian control" role rather than "civil protection". 2.5.1 If you decide to keep the style of the suv / hatchback, i recommend that you add a tertiary tone to either break up *1 or fully solidify *2 the monochromatic style the vehicles currently posses and are poorly executing. 2.5.2 If you wish to keep the off-road / van / prowler decal design find something to fill out the empty space below the white bar (an alternate shade), or find a way to accent the letters that don't know if they want to be white, or black. *3 and lastly: 3. By what authority is this police force operating? Include some sort of seal or crest on the vehicles to prevent them from looking like mall cops vehicles. *1 : (use either a yellow or some other bright color) *2 :(use red accents) *3 :(the first-responder" decal will be difficult to view at a distance, and the "police" cutout on the prowler is poorly defined.) on a final note, at least you know enough to use the 1.613 golden ratio
  17. Looks unfinished, and like a cheap knockoff of the current police vehicles.
  18. 3v1s actually sometimes work
  19. its because they typically like roaming in deathstacks attacking drug caravans and rebel outposts.
  20. it is using the in game betting system, and it isn't an exploit. it is simply put painfully obvious.
  21. Rob cop, taze cops, take their shit.
  22. The 1% betting tax is worthless, i already know an ingame method to get arround it. and skirt the tax.
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