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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. What you just said, is a dumb'd down version of "If you post cancer on a thread you dislike you can get it locked" This is exactly the wrong way to handle cancer. You are telling every Cancerous member (including me) Instead of getting moderated, for posting Dogshit you can get your way and get a topic locked I also like that my posts get locked faster than shit like this Gets locked :/ #Priorities
  2. I realize this goat, and appreciate you seeing this too. BUT I had to show some staff things that they may lock a post for.
  3. For Example hide Comments like these. For the sole purpose of this post is to Flame. But for any reason, that this post should Lock a thread this cancer wins. And It Enforces that cancer makes shit go away
  4. Then Change the website from a forum, in the threads that have been being locked, There has been NO " derogatory words " nor was there a rule break. The current websites Function is a Forum for a reason. If i say something that offends you by all means post your mind, but dont lock the post.
  5. Alright, I'm now triggered, In this post I will not name names. Although I'm extremely Triggered. Recently some very good topics were locked due to "Not Going anywhere". I disagree with the reasoning behind the locking of these threads. All Locking does is put the pressing issue/suggestion in the denied bin. To get a suggestion to be made into a rule it needs to be viewed by the community/staff, by locking a suggestion due to trolls, flamers, and or "Off Topic" it gives the trolls, flamers and people against the rule what they want. For example, a thread was recently locked about a suggestion on Gang Tags within an Hour it was locked, although many people supported it and staff said they were talking about it. some people who were against the rule posted there criticism too a point where one criticizer posted the Original post main concept. What you call "Going nowhere" is what I call changing someones view on a situation. What successful community disregards it's player base for a conversation "That goes nowhere" unless we start calling each F*gg*ts and Slitting each others throats, it shouldn't be up to ANY Moderation team member to end a conversation. Who cares if it goes nowhere at the very least the community is heard and has a conversation that doesn't include "KYS". If we don't have a Forum to discuss on we either will resort to an un-Moderated TeamSpeak and a very under moderated side chat that normally will turn into "KYS F*GG*T". Now the point of this thread isn't to start a flame war nor is it to shame any staff member, it's to define what a forum and a successful community should look like. For locking a topic only ends a conversation and hides an idea within the ocean of cancer. Now don't get me wrong some topics should be locked but not suggestion threads. Suggestion threads should only be moderated when someone takes a step further and attacks a person, not an idea, Even when one decides to an attack a person the Conversation should NOT be ended, the offending post should be hidden and the person warned. All one does by taking away the power to speak is nullify that person's ideas and show the community that trolls always win in the end. (they do) Topic that triggered my Rampage INB4 Locked.
  6. yeah but im P O T A T O pilot
  7. APD got mad about striders, lets see their reaction too zQ2cspE.png

  8. coming from the permed one
  9. Don't you owe me 2 mil?
  10. im sorry never heard of you, oh wait arent you that Deputy who got vaporized by a suicide vest

    1. Fedot


      THIS IS A VIOLATION OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH! must be gary 885JPhl.png

  12. Im so cool bc i got blacklisted from both factions.... ~ Troy
  13. I was touching my dog and rubbed one out a few days ago now it burns when I pee.
  14. when you show up to a party late ocArtRT.png

  15. My Friend said no bballs so i restarted my computer, can confirm it totally deleted all my porn! FUKC THESE HACKERS
  16. I'm Gonna start a go fund me page to rent a strip club, YALL INVITED

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      @Marty Never knew you swung that way.

    3. Marty


      @I Am Fuzzy seriously? i have been extremely open about it for months now

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You and Fedot will get on extremely well. ^_^

  17. MCPD MoobPD cough cough can't blacklist me two times :Kappa:

    1. Lethals Loaded
    2. CheeseGrater


      Well, if you were un blacklisted, it was never a blacklist? So the "second time" would in fact be a blacklist. MCPD does win again :4head:

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Fedot. Shut up.

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