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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. When pizza is life but your body doesn't like lactose

  2. So quick question does this only apply to civs?
  3. Shout out to @Zahzi for giving me new person to research. Leanna Decker

  4. Happy Birthday to my boy @Jendrak most OG dude out there. Hope life turned around for you.

  5. Ive been hit 4 more times since ive posted this His IP has been the same for over a year Yes PSA IF YOU CALL WITH *67 I WILL NOT ANSWER I WAS MAN ENOUGH TO USE MY REAL NUMBER SO MAN THE FUCK UP
  6. nobody follows it anyway the bad ones get hidden/deleted
  7. Recently i posted my ip and phone number to the forums. What I learned Yall have shit booters, one of you ppl had a 5mbps boot Yall are assholes put your phone on silent at 3 am ppl like to call you at work. i got ddosed 13 times (5mbps - 230 mbps) i got called about 52 times. (half of them where fucking taylor swhift)
  8. Who DDoSed me with 5 Mbps. Even a 5$ Booter can hit harder than that

    1. JBruesch


      Someone sitting there thinkin Cmd Prompt OP

  9. im lonely call me at 978-252-2830

    1. Fedot


      Unless your Taylor SHwift FFS TAYLOR STOP CALLING ME

  10. Tree HMU

    #Roasted #

    1. Fedot


      Its my Basement server rack

  11. I heard youre hitting people offline that go against your snowflake shit. @Fr0sty My IP is HMU ma boi
  12. My Boy Ignis one of best mods out there.... Besides D3V1L... Actually isnt banning for gay shit
  13. Haven't Read this all but Ive been banned 4 times although i comped and I didnt make a post so stfu all i did was instantly have Poseidon look at it and have him tell me if i was being a retartd or its a gay ban.... Normally im a retard
  14. Was 2 And 4 already the case? We all know if it says "May" nobody will do it.
  15. What if a suspect air drops onto a roof, can they immediately be lethal-ed @Lethals Loaded @G.O.A.T.
  16. Since I've been away I was unable to make fun of these posts
  17. TEST

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    3. DeadPool


      Test what ? the stats page?

    4. iPopsicle


      Who let this happen

  18. When @Poseidon tells you to stop impersonating staff. So you change your name too



    1. DeadPool


      @Fedot You might need this 


  19. Dear Olympus Community,


    I have decided to trade my ghosthawk away when the Jet DLC comes out. In Return I will receive an Armed Unlimited Black Wasp. Thank you for all the support you are giving me. <3


    ~Cancer Patient Fedot


  20. So 2nd Hand Smoking Engagement now  @Ignis

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Don't mention anything smoke related to Ignis.  It's his trigger word.

    2. iPopsicle
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